

Mon 17 Apr 2023 11:13 am - Jerusalem Time

Al-Aqsa Mosque is the focus of the conflict.. Will the world hear the voice of Muslims?

The world is witnessing many events that need analysis and interpretation for the public to understand, but the global media system does not provide the knowledge that can help people face the dangers that threaten the existence of humanity and warn that the conflict in the world is heading to a new stage.

One of the most important indications of the events is that the global conflict is getting more and more complex, so the media needs to develop its functions and achieve justice in presenting opinions and positions. The Western media’s bias towards Israel has led to ignorance and misleading the masses, falsifying their awareness, and not forming a global public opinion that could protect the world from a total explosion.

Bias for Israel has been linked to bias against Muslims and not giving them the opportunity to clarify their positions, vision, and version of events, and this constitutes a general injustice to them, and at the same time leads to misleading the masses and diminishing their ability to fight against the forces that want to ignite wars and destroy humanity, and what we are witnessing during the past days demonstrates the need The world needs to build a new global media system that provides knowledge to the masses, protects them from ignorance and misinformation, and achieves justice for all, and this can protect the world from turning conflict into an all-out war.

Why is the conflict over Jerusalem?
The media did not try to explain the events to the public or to provide an answer to important questions: Why does the conflict revolve around Al-Aqsa Mosque? And why do right-wing extremists in Israel insist on slaughtering sacrifices inside it, while defenseless Palestinian Muslims sacrifice their lives in defense of it? What does the slaughter of offerings mean?

There is a clash between two visions that cannot be reconciled, so an all-out war will ignite because of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the arrival of the extreme right, led by Ben Gvir, to power in Israel is a prelude to an explosion that cannot be avoided unless the world possesses wisdom and a global public opinion is formed that confronts the Israeli plans and forces the Israeli government to Curb the extremists who want to slaughter sacrifices inside the mosque as a beginning to establish the Temple of Solomon on its ruins according to their religious vision and to realize their dream that their state was established to achieve.

This vision is embraced by all Zionists, but in previous years, Israeli governments prevented extremists from attempting to slaughter sacrifices so as not to break out into an all-out war and delay the construction of the Temple.

Now the extreme right-wingers have come to power, and found that the opportunity has come to realize their dream, as the Arab countries submit to them and cannot confront them, and they wish the approval of America, which protects Israel and guarantees its supremacy and control over the region.

Almoravids defend the world
The Palestinians realized the nature and circumstances of the historical stage, so their means of defending Al-Aqsa Mosque was to be present in it, perform i'tikaaf and perform Tarawih prayers, to prevent the extremist Israeli government from allowing the slaughter of sacrifices so that it does not turn into a massacre.

Thus, the Palestinian Almoravids defended humanity as a whole with their bodies, souls, and prayers so that the flames of an all-out war would not explode in the region, and the world must realize the dangers of the Israeli plan to build the temple on the ruins of the mosque. Al-Aqsa during the month of Ramadan, and if the media provided information to the public and revealed the facts, people all over the world would realize that the Al-Mourabitoun, while defending their Al-Aqsa Mosque, were defending humanity's right to life and existence and protecting the world from an all-out war.

The world's respect for the Islamic faith
In order for the world to obtain a comprehensive picture of the events, the media must provide the opportunity for Muslims to present their vision and clarify their faith.

In order for the world to be protected from an all-out war in the region, a global public opinion must be formed that refuses to touch Al-Aqsa Mosque and prevents Israel from carrying out its plan to demolish it, and to stand up to the extremists.

The matter is very dangerous. Demolishing Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to establish the Temple clearly means that millions of Muslims will sacrifice their lives for it, and massacres will occur that no one can imagine because of ignorance of the status of this mosque in the Islamic faith, and the world must possess wisdom and fairness, as everyone on earth has the right to freedom Faith, and certainly this includes Muslims.

Zionist myths in the face of the Islamic faith
If the media opened the way for explaining the Islamic faith, the world would realize the status of Al-Aqsa Mosque in it, and that the attack on this mosque would push events to escalate, and no one would be able to confront the fire that could burn the world.

Muslims believe that the Al-Aqsa Mosque was built by angels during the reign of our father Adam - peace be upon him - 40 years after the construction of the Sacred Mosque, and that God entrusted his prophets with the care and protection of this mosque, including Solomon - upon him be peace - who did not build a structure but preserved Al-Aqsa Mosque and worshiped God is in it.

Solomon - upon him be peace - is a prophet who worships God and cannot build a structure in the first place, so accusing him of building a structure constitutes an insult to him, and Muslims refuse to offend the prophets of God, and Muslims are the ones who know the stories of the prophets, and they are the trustees of these stories that God honored them with their knowledge in the Holy Qur’an or came In the hadith of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Whoever wants to know the true stories of the prophets of God, Muslims can provide him with the knowledge that came in the Holy Qur’an, which is the word of God revealed to His Messenger through the trustworthy Revelation Gabriel, and it is preserved in the breasts of the believers as it was read by the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.

There is no room for compromising or negotiating over the faith, or exploiting the weakness of Muslims in this era to reach compromises, and the only solution is to respect the Muslim faith to avoid clash.

Link to the Grand Mosque
Muslims believe that Al-Aqsa Mosque is linked to the Sacred Mosque, and this is clear in Surat Al-Isra, and that God Almighty took His servant from the Sacred Mosque to Al-Aqsa Mosque, and in it he prayed as an imam with the prophets of God, and this bears indications, the most important of which is the prophets’ delivery of the message, trust and call to God’s unification and worship and to protect Al-Aqsa Mosque to The Seal of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Accordingly, the Islamic nation is entrusted with defending and protecting Al-Aqsa Mosque, and for its sake it can sacrifice everything it possesses, and it is a great honor in this world and victory in the Hereafter for a Muslim to sacrifice his soul in defense of this mosque, and this explains the behavior of the stationed in the mosque and their insistence on protecting it with their lives, and they are On behalf of the Islamic nation, they perform a civilized, human and religious duty and function. The hearts of all Muslims in the world are attached to this mosque, and Israel understands this more than the Arab regimes that only care about achieving stability.

The liberation of the mosque is an Islamic civilized project
The believers aspired to liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Roman Empire as it constitutes a cornerstone of the Islamic civilizational project, and studying the behavior of the leaders and armies that undertook this great mission clarifies many facts, the most important of which is the concern not to shed blood and open the way for the Roman army to leave the region, and this explains a lot From the events of history, including the dismissal of Khalid bin Al-Walid (the distinguished genius military commander) from the leadership of the army, so that the Secretary of the Nation, the jurist and scholar Abu Ubaidah Amer bin Al-Jarrah, assumed command.

This is the field of knowledge-based leadership that manages a civilized conflict with knowledge and science before weapons, so the field commander should have been Abu Ubaidah, and the commander-in-chief should have been Umar ibn al-Khattab, the Commander of the Faithful, who came to open it himself and protect the rights of Christians in Jerusalem.

Throughout their history, Muslims have been keen to transform Jerusalem into a center of knowledge or a major university in which students receive education to become scholars who spread the light of Islam in their countries, and this explains how most of the martyrs killed by the Crusaders were students.

The Crusaders did not respect the civilizing function of the Holy City, so they shed the blood of 70,000 students of knowledge until their horses fought in the blood that flooded Al-Aqsa Mosque, but the Islamic nation kept dreaming of liberating the mosque until Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi was able to unite the nation and achieve the great goal.

The liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque remains a goal of life for every Muslim who dreams of achieving it and prepares himself and his children for it, and Israel is well aware of this and knows that the Islamic nation is now in a state of weakness and no longer defends the mosque except the Almoravids who have nothing but their faith in God and their trust in His victory.

The weak can rise up and build strength
Everyone should understand the lessons of history, the most important of which is that the weak can rise up, innovate, innovate, produce their weapons, resist and insist on achieving their great goal, and that the world is now witnessing many events that can help us anticipate the future.

The scene of the Almoravids praying to worship God and defending the mosque can contribute to restoring the awareness of the Islamic nation of its function and its civilized project and pushes people to rearrange their life goals, and this pushes them to a comprehensive uprising that forms a new world in which the Islamic nation occupies its place and plays a new historical role in providing knowledge to peoples and leading their struggle To be liberated from old and new colonialism and to wrest her freedom and her right to life.

Perhaps one of the most important achievements of the Al-Murabitun in Al-Aqsa Mosque is restoring awareness to people and liberating them from ignorance. Those who defend their Al-Aqsa Mosque have built their perspective on life, and according to that perspective, martyrdom to achieve a great goal is the end that befits the person whom God has honored, and when this perspective spreads, it can be Reality changes, and the scene can be an inspiration to all peoples who are oppressed and impoverished.

However, can peace be achieved in light of all this? The answer is: Yes, when global public opinion forms pressures on Israel to leave Jerusalem to its true owners and leave it far away from it, but the extreme right will continue to implement its plan to achieve its dream of building the Temple, and this constitutes the beginning of an all-out war.

Will the media do its job in explaining and interpreting the events and opening the way for Muslims to present their story to humanity and save the world from a war in which the blood of millions could be spilled? Yes, we want to save humanity, but through dialogue, justice and respect for the Muslim faith, not exploiting its weakness, not using brute force against it, and protecting its right to know the facts to face the danger wisely. people into an active force. About "Al Jazeera Net"


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Al-Aqsa Mosque is the focus of the conflict.. Will the world hear the voice of Muslims?