

Fri 24 Mar 2023 5:46 pm - Jerusalem Time

Lyn Abdel Haq.. Creativity that challenges unemployment

Hardly a day is devoid of an occasion for anyone, and sweets have become necessary and required, regardless of the social occasion that is based on more than one type of sweets, and since everyone loves sweets, old and young, Lynn Abdel Haq chose to establish her own project to produce sweets to work in what she loves and challenge unemployment .

Despite her studies of law at An-Najah University and her graduation, the specter of unemployment and the lack of job opportunities with her degree haunted her, but she decided to achieve her hopes and aspirations without standing on the sidewalk waiting for the job train to arrive, to create a field in which she finds her pleasure and passion in addition to her search for a job, and she chose industry Sweets, due to their many arts, whether in terms of taste or shape, were not satisfied with that, but rather decided to be distinguished from everything that exists in the market.

From talent to professionalism.

Lynn says: I graduated from the university, and I am the same as most of the young graduates in light of the unemployment the country suffers from. I found my passion and love for the confectionery industry, and I decided to work in it, but my information was very little in this field, as it is a wide sea and multi-fields, and I had to specialize in it and learn to master it to the fullest.

And she continued: The work started seriously a year ago, by learning to prepare Western sweets by joining a specialized course "Kitchen Club Academy" and obtaining an internationally accredited certificate as a pastry chef, which made me delve deeper into this field and search for all ways to learn and research in various means to be A bridge to build my own project that is in line with my desires, energies and potential.

professionalism, diversity,

Lean made sweets, and she is now the owner of leens bakery house, and about the story of this hand that practices her favorite hobby that she enjoys and how she went beyond her pleasure of eating what was delicious and expanded her horizons in the field of making sweets to share her creativity with others through her page on social networking sites.

Lynn says: My love for sweets and their manufacture is the secret of my beginning in the world of sweets. The duration of the course is eight months. I entered this world in detail, and I had many concerns about starting the project. Whenever I intend to progress, I retreat and fear, until I decided to open an online store and my own page on the communication site. Social media Instagram, and displaying the desserts that I make, whether people ask for them or not, people started watching the cakes that I make, and I started making the items that people know and desire without going to new and strange items that they may not accept because they are new and strange, I started with birthday cakes made of cream . In order to stand out from everyone else, I never went towards commercial cakes, and I used to put my academic experience and put it in my cakes, whether with internal fillings or coating them with cream on the outside so that their taste is completely different from any taste in the market, and I adopted butter cream, unlike what is used in the market, so that my work is distinctive and tastes awesome.

And she continued: Then I moved from making cakes with cream to work with sugar dough, and I had fears that I would not be able to shape it as I wanted, but upon experience, the verse turned and I realized that I could shape it as I wanted, so I began to read more about it and learn more through the Internet, and creativity and development became in the work Cakes and their formation are very clear, and I developed in sugar paste so that the principle of my page is cakes made of sugar dough, and I started having parties, occasions, birthdays, etc., so that people started asking me for additional sweets in addition to cakes, such as cookies, cupcakes, and others, and I started introducing these items to my work one after the other Until I decided to diversify more.

And she added: I tried to introduce new varieties such as brownies, and I made them with love, as if I were making them for myself, then I made stuffed dates covered with chocolate, and I began to innovate recipes, for example, such as ghuraiba, which is either plain or stuffed with pistachios, which is familiar when I buy it, but I decided to make it in a new and innovative way that tastes like pistachios and lotus. Paste in it and not stuffed with it, as well as nuts that are stuffed with caramel. I decided to change this taste and put various cheesecake fillings in it, and I found a great demand for it, although the project is young and still a year old, but I was able to build trust with customers and I was able to distinguish and make a name for me that became known to many.

Obstacles and ambition

The success of any project depends on the person's determination and desire to achieve himself with confident steps, and each of us must write his next success stories, regardless of the obstacles placed in front of him. Lynn defied the obstacles, and despite her hesitation and fear at the beginning, she took the step of opening her own project in addition to her quest to find a job as a lawyer, and although the road was not crowned with roses, she was patient and reaped the fruits of her patience with success and distinction.

And about the difficulties, she said: First of all, I work under the slogan that my sweets have a delicious taste away from everything that is commercial, especially since I make them with love and I am always keen to present everything that is distinctive and new, and not only in the attractive and strange shape with its shapes and preparation as well as the taste, so whoever tastes it once does not forget It never tastes, so I need a double effort so that the eye can taste it and the mouth does not forget it, and this is what makes me distinguished. However, I am a lawyer and I love my profession. I am still looking for a job besides my own project, and I am working on developing and expanding it. After a while, I aspire to have a small private workshop. I want to make my sweets away from home, then I take the next step by opening my own shop where I sell delicious and delicious sweets, and that it has branches in every place where everyone goes and searches for it.

As for the difficulties, I will summarize them, because the most prominent of them was marketing and prices. Some do not accept my prices, although my work is not commercial and most of the cakes that I make are sold at cost, even though I never use ordinary but excellent types, whether of cream or fillings. I make them from scratch myself. Because it takes me time and effort, some cakes need three days of work to four, especially the models, and yet I sell at very low prices without profit and this big dilemma facing me, some people still do not appreciate the value of home work and made with quality away from producing large quantities and with fewer products Quality and distinction. Also, when I buy raw materials, I do not buy large quantities. Therefore, the prices of raw materials are high, unlike the shops that sell sweets. In addition to the problem of delivery, I cannot send orders outside Nablus, because the cake does not arrive in the form in which it comes from me. Due to the lack of care of delivery companies and their attention to sweets, which makes the market limited.

Various items and new foods..

Lynn continues to add new recipes to her kitchen from time to time. This is the secret of her success and the way to continue her excellence in the future. She started with certain items to innovate and expand her desserts and items to include cold and baked cheesecake and San Sebastian, in addition to tiramisu, brownies and strawberries in the winter season with chocolate and stuffed and covered dates. In the month of Ramadan and holidays, in addition to the cookies stuffed and covered with sugar dough, and the ghorayeba with the taste of pistachio, lotus, and walnut with cheesecake fillings and the apple, walnut, cinnamon, carrot, walnut and cinnamon cakes, she works hard to introduce the new Western items that she learned at the academy, but she is still skeptical about introducing new and strange items. It is very expensive and its price is high, which scares her a lot and makes her hesitant.

She concluded her speech by saying: Although I did not participate in exhibitions because I was tired, and because I make sweets that need a certain atmosphere and temperature, since the beginning of my project until now, my circle of acquaintances and relationships has increased exponentially more than before, and I felt that my fatigue began to reap its results, so I will continue and strive until I achieve what I want. . And I send a message to everyone not to wait for the job in light of the deteriorating economic and political conditions we suffer from because of the occupation, and to start with his project and not hesitate as I did, but rather to start with what he loves. The beginning is difficult, but we must not despair and focus on our work and we will surely reach the end. It is an experience even if we fail. No one succeeds without failure. We just have to endure and be patient to reach excellence and the summit. I will strive for my sweets to be a prominent landmark for any visitor to the country, and tasting them will be on his agenda when he arrives here. I also work for my foods to be memorial signs and gifts. Used by lovers and parents between each other.

The story of the young woman Lynn Abdel-Haq, with its success and overcoming difficulties, carries in its content a message for the ambitious youth to create his opportunity with his own hands, taking advantage of the resources available to him, and to stand in the face of difficulties in order to achieve his ambitions and dreams.


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Lyn Abdel Haq.. Creativity that challenges unemployment