Wed 15 Mar 2023 10:11 pm - Jerusalem Time

Excerpts from the speeches of al-Hakim d. George Habash in late 1978, shortly after the signing of the Camp David Accords

Written by: Dr. Ahmed Qatamesh

In his speech at Al-Mustansiriya University - Baghdad, he said: (The real danger of the Camp David Accords is that for the first time in the history of the Arab struggle against the Zionist invasion, an Arab party comes and officially and legally declares its readiness to recognize the Zionist presence on the land of Palestine and on Arab land). In speeches and interviews 1977-1979, pg. 149, he said: The danger of the Camp David Accords does not stop at this point, as it bears for the first time the beginning of a declared, reactionary, Zionist-imperialist Arab alliance.
(Defining a clear political line that sees the organic interdependence between Zionist "Israel", imperialism and Arab reaction, and drawing up plans and programs on this basis is the first item in the confrontation process) p. 136.
(The second line is to prepare the Palestinian and Arab masses, mobilize them organizationally, arm them, and train them in various means of fighting and confrontation in a long-term popular war that will last for decades to achieve victory) ... p. 139, and the third, fourth, fifth, and ninth line...etc.
(And a clear position on the autonomy emanating from Camp David, a decisive and declared position that calls on all the masses to boycott the elections of the Autonomy Council... and to generate the ground for a mass struggle with the aim of overthrowing it...) p. 178.
(The central link in the confrontation has become the Lebanese masses...) p. 182 on the occasion of the eleventh launch.
(...As we enter the new year, we feel and deeply realize that the focus of our attention must be directed towards the masses of our Palestinian people and towards our Arab masses, so that we put in their hands our vision of the current political conditions that our Palestinian revolution and our Arab region are going through, and let us also define the urgent tasks before us that we can through Its achievement is to continue our victorious march towards achieving our goals...)
(Despite the enormity of the hostile attack we are facing, we do not have the slightest doubt about the inevitability of the victory of our just cause, and our appeal to the inevitability of victory is not an emotional or idealistic one. We believe in the inevitability of victory based on reading the history of the struggles and heroics of the masses of our Palestinian people that did not stop despite the blood, tears, sacrifices and pain.. Relying on the enormous energies and potentials latent in the masses of our Palestinian people and the masses of our Arab nation...relying on a scientific reading of the movement of history and its upward trend...on the victories achieved by the world revolution in its march towards destroying the imperialists and reactionaries and creating a new world in which justice, freedom, democracy, socialism and peace prevail )
"Coincidentally," Lula, the representative of the left, won the Brazilian presidential elections, as Brazil represents a third of the population of the Latin continent and more than half of its geography. It is also "coincidental" that the Communist Party of China, which has more than 96 million members, ended its 20th congress and its leadership of a country of more than 1.5 billion people. With close to 20% of humanity, and an annual national production of about $16 trillion at local prices, $22 trillion at global prices, and a balance exceeding $3.5 trillion, President Xi emphasized building a modern socialist China with Chinese characteristics, an advanced army with international standards, and a rejection of hegemony.
(We are witnessing today the beginning of an imperialist-Zionist-Arab reactionary alliance that aims to completely liquidate our cause, end our revolution, and crush everything that is patriotic, progressive, and revolutionary in our homeland... Our revolution has faced from the moment of its inception a successive and continuous series of conspiracies and confrontations aimed at destroying, annihilating, and destroying it, but Despite all of this, this revolution was able to stand firm, continue, and remain a thorn in the side of imperialism and an obstacle as a tool in the way of its plans in the region. On the visit of a delegation to Syria in 1978:
(... The position we have taken is based on a deep understanding of the political developments in the Lebanese arena, where there is a contradiction between the Syrian and isolationist projects... Armed battles have been taking place for months between the Syrians and the fascists... Syria's view of the conflict with "Israel" It is a struggle for existence.... And Syria is aware that achieving any interim goal requires the same force that is needed to achieve the strategic goal... Syria believes that settlement and its projects will not lead to anything, hence Syria's position as a state differs from that of the party.... They emphasized The importance of the bilateral relationship.... There are many basic points that need the continuation of the dialogue, and we do not stand on complete common ground on the basic urgent issue, and the most important point in the joint meeting was confronting the isolationist scheme and its destructive effects, but rather the future of national action in the region). pp. 202 and 206.
In response to the question of national unity:
(The PLO is required to harden its political stances, in particular the complete and definitive exit from the path of settlement and put forward a political and radical line against imperialism and against the Arab reactionary forces...) p. 207.
(The issue is big, and it is not important that we get emotionally excited about the issue of Palestinian national unity. Rather, our viewpoints are supposed to unite on the problems facing Palestinian national unity and the way to address these problems.... Here I say that on a political level, it is important that we agree on three basic points, which are.. the point The first is the freedom of political positions as long as these positions are within the national framework and within the national pole and are not inconsistent with the PLO Charter.
The second point is that we agree on a minimum program around which all factions would agree.
As for the third point, each organization should have complete freedom and fight with complete freedom to present its own point of view among the masses on issues that are not agreed upon....
On the organizational level, the problem is not in the number of organizations, but rather in the nature of the relationship that governs these organizations. For example, the Vietnamese Liberation Front included a large number of political organizations....
There must be frontal frameworks that include all national forces without exception...and determine the manner and basis on which the framework of the front that includes all organizations will depend...and this leads us to the issue of how to form committees. T. F..) pp. 208 and 209.
And answering a question: What is the impact of the Iranian revolution on the issue of Palestine?
(What we care about is the content of this movement, and this is clear. It is hostile to imperialism, reaction, Zionism and Israel... It removed a reactionary regime allied with Sadat and Zionism and brought an alternative regime in favor of the Palestinian revolution that would join us in our battle against imperialism and Zionism... It offers the peoples of the region a model in Determination, will, and determination... It is an anti-imperialist, reactionary, and Zionist movement, and with these implications it is a progressive movement.As for the ideological aspect, we are striving in the Palestinian arena, the Arab region, and the Middle East for close cooperation between progressive currents that are anti-imperialist and Zionist, regardless of any existing ideological differences. Among them... The most dangerous thing that can happen is that ideological conflicts prevail over what is common... Our common battle is against imperialism, reaction and Zionism... In the fifties, imperialism played on the chord of conflicts, and therefore we are supposed to seek to thwart imperialist attempts on this level).


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Excerpts from the speeches of al-Hakim d. George Habash in late 1978, shortly after the signing of the Camp David Accords


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