

Wed 15 Mar 2023 9:21 pm - Jerusalem Time

Shtayyeh calls for a delegation from churches in the United States to put pressure on Israel to end its occupation

Ramallah - "Jerusalem" dot com - Today, Thursday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh called on a delegation from churches in the United States of America to send a message and a clear position to all officials in the American administration and the Senate and House of Representatives, to reject the injustice and suffering that our people face as a result of the occupation, and to call for pressure Israel to end its occupation of Palestine.

Shtayyeh briefed the delegation, during their reception in his office in Ramallah, on the developments in the situation and the reality of living in Palestine, especially in Jerusalem, and the suffering that our people, Muslims and Christians, face due to the occupation, its violations and measures.

He also informed them of the occupation's attack on the Islamic and Christian sanctities in Jerusalem, and the attempts to impose deteriorating realities on the ground, in addition to the challenges imposed by the Israeli government and the racist practices towards our people.


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Shtayyeh calls for a delegation from churches in the United States to put pressure on Israel to end its occupation