

Wed 15 Mar 2023 9:03 pm - Jerusalem Time

The work of the Permanent Committee for Broadcasting in Tunisia begins with Palestinian participation

Tunis - "Al-Quds" dot com - Today, Tuesday, the Director General of the Arab Broadcasting Union, Abd al-Rahim Suleiman, inaugurated the work of the Permanent Committee for Arab Radio at the headquarters of the Union of Radios in Tunis.

The State of Palestine was represented in the meetings by Ayed Oweimer, Director General of Voice of Palestine Radio, and Haider Douglas, Director General of News at the Radio.

The program included a discussion session on the organizations' experiences, "The stakes of public radio in the face of the growing number of private radio stations."

Haider Douglas, General Director of News, Voice of Palestine, gave an intervention on the experience of the radio, and Voice of Palestine was a model. The massive restrictions imposed on its correspondents, who used to deliver the Palestinian news as soon as it happened.

With regard to the increase in private radio stations, Douglas stated that she was never a challenge to the official radio, but rather stood by it to expose the practices of the occupation against the Palestinian people wherever they are.

The meetings of the Standing Committee for Broadcasting will continue over the next three days.


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The work of the Permanent Committee for Broadcasting in Tunisia begins with Palestinian participation