

Wed 15 Mar 2023 9:01 pm - Jerusalem Time

An-Najah University Journal for Research (Human Sciences) has been accepted into the global Scopus database

Nablus - "Jerusalem" dot com - Ghassan Al-Katout - An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (For Human Sciences) issued by the University's Deanship of Scientific Research, has been accepted into the Scopus database.

The results of the request submitted by the Deanship of Scientific Research were announced, as the journal succeeded in achieving Scopus accreditation standards that are compatible with international standards.

It is noteworthy that the Scopus database was established in 2004 by Elsevier, which is considered the strongest and best in the world and one of the most important and largest databases for the classification of scientific journals, and all local, Arab and international journals seek to be adopted in the Scopus database.

The Deanship of Scientific Research was keen to fulfill the accreditation requirements, the most important of which were scientific citation, research topics, the presence of researchers from outside Palestine, soundness of language, accuracy of documentation, as well as following up on the evaluation of research in the journal to produce it appropriately, as it is reviewed linguistically and scientifically accurately to reach high quality. In scientific and technical content.

The Deanship of Scientific Research thanked the former deans of scientific research who worked to achieve this achievement, as well as the university administration for its constant support, and all the researchers who sent their research for evaluation and publication in the journal, and all the residents who reviewed and evaluated the research with honesty and sincerity.

It is noteworthy that An-Najah University Journal for Research-B (Human Sciences) is the first journal to receive a Scopus classification at the Palestinian level.


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An-Najah University Journal for Research (Human Sciences) has been accepted into the global Scopus database