Written by: Attorney Rajeh Abu Asab
The series of heinous murders and the loss of innocent lives continues in Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and within the Green Line. These murders are strange and alien to the conservative Palestinian society, which is known for its adherence to its customs, traditions, morals, and customs that are based on mutual respect, cooperation in good times and bad, and respect for the rights of neighbours, lineage and intermarriage. Reasons defined by Islamic law, and these are not applied through individuals, groups, or clans, but only from the judiciary. And out of the true Islam’s respect for the sanctity of blood, and the preservation of the human soul, God Almighty has forbidden the killing of an innocent soul and the shedding of blood, and has threatened the willful killer with severe punishment. Where he said: “And whoever kills a believer deliberately, his recompense is Hell to abide therein, and God’s wrath and curse are upon him, and He has prepared for him a grievous chastisement.” Surah Al-Nisa, verse 93. This noble verse categorically forbids the believer to kill an innocent person, and threatens whoever does so with divine wrath upon him, expelling him from His mercy, and inflicting great punishment on him on the Day of Resurrection.
God Almighty considered killing an innocent person as killing all people, and on the other hand, he considered whoever saved it as if he saved all people. The revival of the soul is by saving it from the causes of destruction, such as killing, drowning, fire, demolition, famine, epidemic, and so on. In this, there is a warning to the one who kills an innocent person whose blood is impeccable, and a promise to the one who saves a soul from certain destruction. In addition to the many Qur’anic verses that prohibit the killing of an innocent person, and threaten the premeditated murderer with the most severe punishments, there are many noble and authentic hadiths that prohibit killing in all its forms and manifestations, including his saying, peace be upon him: “The first thing that will be decided among people on the Day of Resurrection is in blood." And he said: “The demise of the world is easier with God than killing a Muslim man.” And his saying: Whoever helped kill a Muslim, even with half a word, will come on the Day of Resurrection written between his eyes: He has despaired of God’s mercy. He will not enter Paradise, so what about the one who kills an innocent Muslim whose blood is infallible.Despite all these threats and promises to those who practice premeditated murder, the killings are still continuing, claiming innocent lives, igniting enmities and hatred among the people of the Palestinian society, and leaving behind many tragedies, calamities and sorrows. For example, a young man was killed on the day of his engagement, after he distributed engagement invitation cards to family, friends, and loved ones, so sorrows prevailed instead of joys, and joy turned into a funeral, and the father and mother mourned their eldest son, as they prepared to rejoice in his engagement.
Among the heinous murders, and all murders are heinous and condemnable, is that a young man in his twenties kills his father, then buries him near the house and pours concrete over his body. The killer claimed that he no longer felt the pain and grief of killing his father. Any indiscretions after this?!
In fact, there is absolutely no justification for committing premeditated murder, no matter what the killers invoke for reasons, because killing is not a solution as the killers claim. Rather, it stirs enmity and hatred, and may lead to extremely serious events and calamities, such as taking revenge and burning down shops and homes for the killer’s family and relatives, and of course this Also, behavior that is Islamically and socially rejected, as true Islam says: “And no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another.” That is, an innocent soul is not taken for a crime committed by another.
Murders are also common in the Gaza Strip, especially during family quarrels. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics stated that 29 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of this year due to family quarrels, as well as due to revenge. As for the crimes within the Green Line among the Arab 48 families, they have become daily or almost daily, as victims of men, women and children fall at the hands of organized crime gangs. The Arab 48 website stated that the number of murder victims in Arab towns inside the Green Line in 2021 reached 111, including 16 women. While the death toll from the beginning of the year 2022 until mid-June reached 25.
There is no doubt that the main reason behind the killings is the proliferation of weapons and the ease of obtaining them, especially in Area C, where there is no security presence for the Palestinian Authority, as well as the outbreak of quarrels for trivial reasons, such as quarrels over stopping a car in a certain place. The spread of drugs, organized crime and crime gangs contribute to urging young people to commit murders without considering the consequences of those crimes. In addition, the absence of deterrent penalties against murderers encourages the commission of murders. In this regard, we should not forget the family and clan fanaticism that also plays a role in this.
What is required to stop the murders, or at least put an end to them, is to intensify the punishment for the killers so that they deter them, as God Almighty says: “And you have life in retribution, O people of understanding.” Likewise, the visual, audio and print media, and the preachers of mosques and churches have a role to play in warning against crimes Killing. As for the main role, it falls on the family that has to raise children in a sound way that serves traditions, customs and customs, and above all the teachings of the true religion. God bless.
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The murders... for how long?