

Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:57 pm - Jerusalem Time

The National Rally participates in the National Dialogue Conference in Algeria

Ramallah - "Jerusalem" dot com - The National Gathering of Independents is participating in the National Dialogue Conference, which will be held this week in Algeria, at the invitation and sponsorship of Algeria, as part of the efforts exerted to end the Palestinian division .

The National Assembly is represented in the meetings by the President of the National Assembly, the Chairman of the Goodwill Authority, Munib Rashid Al-Masry, and the member of the Goodwill Authority, Taher Al-Disi.

For his part, Al-Masry thanked the Algerian president, leadership and people for their efforts to end the Palestinian division and for their constant and steadfast support for the Palestinian cause. Al-Masry stressed that this meeting is considered a pivotal meeting, either through which we win over the will and aspirations of our people and declare an end to the division from the country of a million and a half martyrs, or we continue with this great national crime, which is the division and all its consequences.

Al-Masry added that the difficult stage we are going through necessitates an immediate end to the division. Calling on the two parties to the division, Fatah and Hamas, all the participating factions and forces to do everything possible to make the Algeria Dialogue a success and restore national unity.


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The National Rally participates in the National Dialogue Conference in Algeria