Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:55 pm - Jerusalem Time

The Prisoners Authority reveals the occupation army’s assault against minors during their arrest process

Prisoners Authority: Brutal beating and assault against minors during their arrest by the occupation army

Ramallah - "Jerusalem" dot com - The Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs revealed, quoting the commission's lawyer, Hiba Ighbariya, the arrest certificates of minors who were subjected to beatings and abuse at the time of their arrest and interrogation.

The Prisoners Authority said, in a statement issued today, Monday, that the international conventions on human rights, specifically the Child Convention, stressed the need to provide protection for minors and their lives, and not to harm them. and physical punishment against them, whether during their arrest, or while they were taken and interrogated inside the Israeli interrogation centers.

Among these children; The case of the boy Majdi Abdel-Moamen Jumaa (17 years) from the village of Kafr Qaddum / Qalqilya, who was arrested by a large force of the occupation forces after they raided his house at 3:30 in the middle of the night. His head and all over his body. They also pushed him with rifle butts, which led to him falling several times on the ground full of thorns and stones. The occupation authorities were not satisfied with this amount of violent measures. During his detention in the military jeep, one of the soldiers hit his head with the sides of the jeep, and then another soldier His body was violently shaken and hit on his face and stomach, and they also threatened to shoot him, after which he was transferred to an army camp and stayed in the camp yard for long hours, and then transferred to Section (3) of "Megiddo" detention center. And serious bruises he is still suffering from until now.

As for the case of the prisoner Hussein Shadi Obaid (17 years) from the town of Al-Issawiya / Jerusalem, where he was arrested by a large force of the Israeli police and intelligence after they raided his house at five in the morning, and the intelligence officer beat him while he was on his mattress and he was beaten while he was on the ground by other soldiers to take him after While he was handcuffed and blindfolded, he was taken to the Moscow police interrogation, and during the process of interrogation and abuse, the prisoner, Obeid, was also subjected to several assaults and abuses, and the interrogators hit his head several times, causing many bruises and bruises to appear.

The Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs condemned in the strongest terms the continuation of the series of incursions and attacks on Palestinian youths during their arrest process, which fully targets the stability of their daily life and undermines their steadfastness and determination.

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The Prisoners Authority reveals the occupation army’s assault against minors during their arrest process