

Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:45 pm - Jerusalem Time

A "Jordanian official" denies that the aim of the "Aqaba Conference" is to train Palestinian elements to fight the resistance factions

Amman - "Jerusalem" dot com - An official Jordanian source denied what was circulated by the Hebrew media about the aim of the Palestinian-Israeli security meeting in Aqaba, to train members of the National Security Apparatus in training bases on Jordanian territory to fight the resistance factions in the West Bank.

The source said, in an interview with the Jordanian Ammon website, that what was circulated is untrue, and that it is likely to come from extremists who want to escalate and spoil the targeted effort, to stop all unilateral measures and military operations, in order to reach a stage of calm during which trust is built, leading to political engagement.

He stressed that the meeting is a breakthrough for Jordan, as it is the first to bring together Palestinian and Israeli political and security officials with a regional and international presence.

He pointed out, "It is clear that the extremist forces do not want political involvement that would stop unilateral measures."

He noted that Jordan held the meeting in full coordination with Palestine with the aim of reaching a consensus that would stop unilateral measures that cause tension and undermine chances of achieving a just peace based on the two-state solution.

And Hebrew media reported that the most prominent points in the security talks between the Authority and (Israel) are the training of a Palestinian security element, who are currently working in the National Security Apparatus in training bases on Jordanian territory, and they will undergo a special training program under American supervision, whose mission is to fight the resistance factions in the West Bank. Which turned out to be false, according to the source.


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A "Jordanian official" denies that the aim of the "Aqaba Conference" is to train Palestinian elements to fight the resistance factions