Ramallah - "Jerusalem" dot com - The Applied Research Institute "ARIJ" stated that the Israeli occupation approved, on the twenty-fourth of this month, a settlement plan bearing the number YOSH/ 3/ 1/ 234, which provides for the expansion of the "Dolev" settlement northwest Ramallah.
According to the institute, the new plan provides for the confiscation of 280,689 dunums of Palestinian lands to build 364 new settlement units in the settlement, on lands belonging to the towns of Ras Karkar and Deir Ibzi in Ramallah.
And he indicated that the plan targets basin No. 1 in the site known as "Madros" in the town of Ras Karkar, and basins No. 2, 4 and 7 in the areas known as "Ain Wadi al-Mughir", "Al-Dora" and "Al-Wajh al-Shami" (respectively) in the town Deir Ibzi, and that the issued plan aims to change the use of the targeted lands to third-class residential areas (according to the Israeli definition), public buildings and institutions, in addition to open spaces and tourism institutions, employment and engineering facilities, a gas station, a parking lot and internal roads.
The report indicated that the plan will be implemented on the western side of the settlement, on the open Palestinian lands that mediate the villages of Al-Janiyah, Ras Karkar, Deir Ibzi, and Kafr Nima, which will cut off the geographical contiguity between them, while creating an extension of the "Dolev" settlement from the western side, and thus confiscating the lands. and control it.
The institute indicated that in November 1992, the Israeli occupation authorities allocated an area of 3,228 dunums of Palestinian lands east of Dolev settlement as a “nature reserve” by virtue of Israeli Military Order No. 51/9 under the name “Nahal Dolev Delavim.” The order Which threatens the Palestinian villages that border the "Dolev" settlement from the eastern side, and in particular from the lands of the city of Ramallah (1058 dunums), Ain Qinya (1528 dunums), Al-Janiya (593 dunums), Al-Zaytouna (29 dunums), and Abu Straw (19.5 dunums).
ARIJ said that the aforementioned military order (9_51) seizes the Palestinian lands that mediate the settlements of "Dolev" and "Talmon", which threatens the danger that threatens this region, as the Israeli occupation authorities deliberately allocate vast areas of the Palestinian lands "as reserves natural landscape in the occupied West Bank, to prevent Palestinian urban expansion and its subsequent transformation into Israeli construction areas.
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"ARIJ": a new settlement plan to expand "Dolev" settlement