Written by: Mahmoud Abdel-Hadi
The Zionist invasion of the Jenin camp late last month, and the operation carried out by the martyr Khairy Alqam in response to it, raises the question again, about the feasibility of the sacrifices made by the Palestinian people and the suffering they incur at all levels and in various fields, at the hands of the Zionist occupation forces and its racist terrorist government, which Its daily arbitrary measures against the Palestinian people, who in the last two years have sacrificed about 530 martyrs, more than 23,000 wounded, and about 15,000 detainees, not to mention the series of demolishing homes, destroying buildings, uprooting olive trees, seizing lands, and continuing to establish settlements…, Why all these sacrifices? And how long will it continue if it is not in the interest of a specific national political project, behind which stands a unified authority capable of investing these sacrifices in order to achieve the hopes and aspirations of the Palestinian people?!
legitimate questions
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory (OCHA); The crisis experienced by the Palestinian people inside occupied Palestine, saying, "The deepening crisis facing women, men, boys and girls in the Occupied Palestinian Territory continues, leaving many Palestinians struggling to live in dignity.
Behind this crisis is the Israeli military occupation, including the imposition of the blockade on the Gaza Strip, insufficient respect for international law, the continuation of the internal Palestinian political division, and the recurring cases of escalation of hostilities between Israel and Palestinian armed groups. Including the Palestinian people inside occupied Palestine for three reasons as follows:
Zionist occupation.
* Palestinian division.
* Combat operations.
What is important to us in this summary is to stand at the second and third causes of the crisis, due to their direct relationship with the Palestinian side, which bears full responsibility for them. Here we have the right to ask, aloud: How long will this division continue? And how long will the Palestinian leaders continue to tickle the people's emotions with slogans that are shattered day after day on the rock of this intractable division? What is the use of popular or regular resistance operations against the occupation in light of this division?
These and similar questions are legitimate questions, which every Palestinian must constantly ask himself and the circles surrounding him, in search of an answer that will lead to a serious move to end the division, which is no longer just a satisfactory political phenomenon in the Palestinian scene, but rather a major disaster that fuels the absurdity of the current Palestinian reality. and make the sacrifices of the Palestinian people meaningless, for the following main reasons:
The division of political power and political decision.
The multiplicity of liberation programs and their conflicts, at the expense of the joint national liberation program.
Weakening the Palestinian position against the Zionist entity.
Increase regional and international control over the Palestinian decision.
Wasting the suffering and sacrifices of the Palestinian people.
Prolonging the Palestinian cause and increasing its complications.
Facilitating the Zionist penetration of the Arab and Islamic world.
Enabling the Zionist entity to achieve its national goals at the expense of the Palestinian people.
Increase the suffering of the Palestinian people in the diaspora.
How can gains be made in favor of realizing the goals and aspirations of the Palestinian people, when the situation is as it is? Hence, the continuation of the situation in this way contradicts all the principles, foundations, and starting points necessary to resist the occupation, achieve the goals of the Palestinian people, and stop their suffering.
This calls on all groups of the Palestinian people who are affiliated with the resistance factions with their political and military arms, or who are not, to reconsider in an objective and abstract manner. In the current political reality of the Palestinian cause, away from emotion, passion and reactions, in its various organized and popular forums, to come up with new data to develop political awareness and its structures, in a way that helps rebuild the Palestinian political reality, in favor of the aspirations of the Palestinian people, away from the narrow factional aspirations. As for each side burying its head in its own sand, and continuing with its plans, programs and actions, thinking that it is the best possible thing; For, for my life, this is the greatest unfairness it has committed to the Palestinian people and their cause.
Reorder priorities
This miserable political situation in which the Palestinian cause is living due to the division calls on the Palestinian political street, with all its components and groups, to rearrange priorities, and to give the internal home the highest priority over the priority of confronting the occupation, which has not achieved anything of the aspirations of the Palestinian people so far, but rather increased their suffering and sacrifices.
Arranging the Palestinian internal house is a priority, which means ending division, unifying the Palestinian leadership, and agreeing on a joint national liberation program that achieves the goals and aspirations of the Palestinian people. As for continuing to confront the occupation as the situation is currently, it is jumping in the air without reckoning, and continuing to make sacrifices without any significant political value. Which is considered a major crime against the Palestinian people and their cause, for which all Palestinian factions bear responsibility.
The rearrangement of priorities requires postponing all types of military confrontation with the Zionist entity for a period of time, during which the people catch their breath, the factions work to restore their organizational structures, develop the capabilities of their cadres, and their leaders devote themselves to the comprehensive national dialogue to restore the inner house, and resolve all outstanding issues once and for all. irrevocable, including:
The unification of the Palestinian Authority, according to one of the political formulas that are agreed upon among the political forces, the most important of which is: holding free and fair democratic elections, which is the best option, but its timing is not appropriate, and its success factors are not available. Formation of a coalition authority, based on the relative weight of the Palestinian forces in the Palestinian street. These two formulas are considered the most suitable for the current Palestinian situation. As for the formula for forming an interim transitional authority, a broad-based government, or other formulas, it does not suit the current factional situation at this stage.
- Restructuring the Palestinian institutions of the new unified authority, which will represent the Palestinians all over the world, away from the existing structure, which increases the complexity of the Palestinian scene.
Preparing a joint national liberation project, to be voted on by all Palestinians at home and abroad, for which all capabilities are harnessed to achieve the aspirations of the Palestinian people, away from the two-state solution, which represents a waste of time, a holocaust of effort and capabilities, and only serves to strengthen the security of the Zionist entity on The long term and its long term identity as a Jewish and democratic state, according to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, in his press conference with the Prime Minister of the Zionist entity, Benjamin Netanyahu, in the aftermath of the martyr Khairi Alqam operation.
Structuring the resistance wings of all factions to ensure their subordination to the new unified authority on the one hand, and preserving their strength and effectiveness in supporting the political decision and the national liberation project on the other hand.
Preparing the transitional constitution that helps the authority carry out its duties and achieve its goals, and preserves the rights of political forces and citizens and defines their duties.
Modifying the curricula of below-university education, in line with the national liberation program and the new phase in the life of the Palestinian cause.
Organizing the media situation, its policies and laws, in a manner appropriate to this stage.
The continuation of the situation as it is is not suitable for the current stage that the Palestinian issue is going through, and the mind of the Palestinian leadership will remain preoccupied with the details of the confrontation operations and the humanitarian, psychological and social effects resulting from them, and this is something that the Palestinian street with its various institutions and cadres should not be silent about any more.
Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:22 pm - Jerusalem Time
Palestinian sacrifices.. Why? And for how long?

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Palestinian sacrifices.. Why? And for how long?