Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:21 pm - Jerusalem Time

Hamas: The Cabinet's decision reveals the fascist and racist face of the occupation government

Gaza - "Jerusalem" dot com - "Hamas" movement said, on Monday, that the decision of the so-called "Israeli Cabinet " to legalize settlement outposts in the West Bank shows once again the fascist and racist face of the occupation government that has not stopped its violations and crimes against the Palestinian people, their land and their sanctities. It shows its defiance and disregard for the international community and UN resolutions that have always affirmed the illegality of settlement activity and demanded its cessation.

Hamas called on the Palestinians and the forces and factions to resist the settlement policies of the occupation by all means, calling on the Arab and Islamic nation and free people of the world to support and strengthen the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in preserving their land and sanctities, activating the boycott of this occupied entity, and prosecuting its leaders who have a record of criminality before international courts, as a victory for justice. And for the rights of our Palestinian people to liberation, return and self-determination.


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Hamas: The Cabinet's decision reveals the fascist and racist face of the occupation government