Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:13 pm - Jerusalem Time

The danger of a new Nakba and ethnic cleansing still exists

Written by: Noha Naeem Al-Tobasi

After every wave of incitement launched by successive Israeli governments, and their tools of extremist groups, against the Palestinian people, the settlers rampage against our people, villages, cities, lands, and properties, against defenseless citizens, either by killing and setting fire to homes, shops, vehicles, and agricultural lands, or by destroying shops and stealing crops And the poisoning of livestock and wells with the protection and full complicity of the occupation army.

The painful scenes of the fires and the attacks on the town of Hawara and the villages south of Nablus remind us of a recent incident of the brutal attack by settler gangs on the Dawabsha family in the neighboring village of Duma, in 2015 and the burning of their house while they were sleeping. At that time, only the child Ahmed, who lost his whole family.

In 2014, the Knesset member, then the Minister of Interior, and then the Minister of Justice, Ayelet Shaked, adopted the incitement launched by the racist Ori Elitzur to kill Palestinian children, describing them as “little snakes.” As a result, settler gangs kidnapped the child, Muhammad Abu Khdeir from Shuafat, and tortured and abused him before burning him. .

In February 1994, following claims about ethnic cleansing in Hebron, and attempts to Judaize the city, the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre was carried out by extremist settler Baruch Goldstein, a descendant of the racist Kach party, from which the current minister, Itamar Ben Jvir, also emerged. As a result, the Israeli government punished the victims instead. Punishing criminals, it began from that time imposing a comprehensive closure on the occupied lands in the West Bank and Gaza, and preventing entry to Jerusalem, and then implemented its premeditated plan by dividing the Ibrahimi Mosque temporally and spatially, including dividing the sanctuary into a synagogue and a mosque, which is the plan that extremist extremists aspire to apply to Al-Aqsa Mosque. .

The policy of bloody incitement against the Palestinian people and their land did not stop at any stage, with the protection and cover of the Israeli occupation army and its logistical and armament support. In 2022, 1,187 attacks were monitored and documented with the participation of the occupation army, and since the beginning of the current year 2023, more than 130 attacks have now been recorded.

Recently, the incitement to carry out ethnic cleansing and forcible deportation of the Palestinian people has reached its climax, at the invitation of Minister Bin Juffair, to authorize thousands of settler gangs to bear arms. This call to arm settler militias reminds the world of what was previously committed by the Zionist Haganah, Lehi and Watzel gangs, which were formed and armed by the Zionist movement and the British Mandate, to carry out ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people, and history does not forget the most heinous massacres, massacres, war crimes and crimes against humanity, which It was committed at that time during the period between 1936-1948.

More than seventy-five massacres were committed by the armed Haganah gangs, during which houses were blown up on the heads of their owners, and people were directly targeted at that time, such as the massacres of Deir Yassin and Qalunya west of Jerusalem, the massacre of the village of Nasser al-Din near Tiberias, the massacre of the village of al-Husayniyya, the massacre of al-Tantura and the massacre of Haifa, Ain al-Zaytoun near Safed, the Abu Shusha massacre near Ramleh, the city of Lod, and the town of al-Dawayima, west of Hebron. This was on the eve of the announcement of the establishment of the State of Israel. On the ruins of depopulated villages, over the corpses of their owners, and at the expense of the right of the original owners of the land to self-determination.

As a result of those massacres, more than 800,000 Palestinians were displaced and uprooted from their land and displaced during the Nakba. The occupation plan is to settle, annex and seize the geography, empty the land of its inhabitants and expel them, and completely transform it into a "Jewish" state. It began to crystallize in the thoughts and plans of the Zionists since the first conference of the Zionist movement in 1897 in the Swiss city of Basel, and was promoted by the leaders of the Zionist movement. The most important of his recommendations was the settlement of the entire land of Palestine. And when the Zionist movement was able to control areas of the Palestinian lands with the support of the British Mandate, it began to implement plans for displacement early, starting from the lands of Wadi al-Hawrath and Hula. , writing off the national identity of the Palestinian people, and widespread systematic killing and extermination. The expulsion and displacement of the Palestinian people from their land by force, as the Israelis seize 85% of the total area of historic Palestine (27,000 km2).

The Israeli government's extremist programs are integrated with settler gangs to complete the Zionist movement's plans and settlement projects, at the expense of the Palestinian people's blood and rights, at any cost. Contrary to a number of recent outposts and settlement projects that were approved recently.

What is strange is this Arab and international silence regarding these crimes against the Palestinian people, their sanctities, and their land. And if the countries of the world and their leaders were in 2005, at the World Summit Conference, which was described as “the largest gathering of world leaders in history,” and was attended by 190 countries, and declared the commitment of states to protect populations from genocide, war crimes and ethnic cleansing, and the responsibility of the international community to protect When countries are unable to protect themselves.

The international community must respect the principles of international law, international humanitarian law, and its international and legal obligations to provide protection for the Palestinian people, hold Israel accountable for all its crimes, and refer it to the International Criminal Court.

In the face of this silence, we do not have anything better than solidarity and synergy in the face of the Israeli occupation and its settlers, and resolving internal disputes and transcending them, for the sake of the people and loyalty to its martyrs and prisoners, and confronting this isolation by the Israeli occupation and its settlers to protect our people from a new catastrophe.


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The danger of a new Nakba and ethnic cleansing still exists