

Wed 15 Mar 2023 8:10 pm - Jerusalem Time

Israel, the World Cup and the road to Hungary

Written by: Hamdi Farrag
The Arab and non-Arab crowds will continue to follow the World Cup even if no Arab team remains in the qualifiers after the exit of the teams of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia from the first round, because the World Cup this time is held on Arab soil with an Arab flavor and Arab foods, and the Arabs in general and the specialists in particular will keep With my exploits, Saudi Arabia defeated Argentina and Tunisia defeated France.
The Arabs will also maintain that the World Cup in Qatar has exposed the cover of the Arabs normalized with Israel, and has cornered them in one of its narrow corners, to the extent that some did not hide their resentment at the success of the organization, so they attacked Qatar and attacked the World Cup, but the Israeli position, which completely identified with their position, increased their scandal and perhaps In their isolation on the level of the Arab masses from the ocean (Morocco) to the Gulf (Bahrain and the Emirates).
The Israeli identification with the Arabists, represented in official complaints against Qatar, which endangers its citizens, and anti-Semitism, but the statement of the Swiss FIFA President on the eve of the World Cup exceeded the racism of religion and Semitism to the racism of the white race and blue eyes in the persecution of this nation for three thousand years, and here is Tunisia France is defeated while Morocco excludes Belgium and Canada from the World Cup.
This Israeli identification with the Arab printers continued through an editorial for Yedioth Ahronoth, the largest Israeli newspaper, in which it called on the Israelis to look at the glass half full (the Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco), where the Israeli goes there freely and enjoys respect and hospitality. Qatar, the newspaper says, is the Sunni version of Shiite Iran, and it is teeming with Palestinians, and this is the empty half of the cup.
The UAE, in turn, identified itself in a shameful manner with Israel, when it invited Bin Ghafir to attend a ceremony commemorating its fiftieth independence day, and Bahrain is preparing to receive the Israeli president amid protest demonstrations against hosting him.
Whatever it was, the World Cup quickly folded, and the details folded with it, just as the events and details of twenty-one World Cups before were folded, and people hardly remember the winning team in the World Cup, so that they can remember who participated and who did not, and if this or that country had qualified for the second round Or I got out of the first round, and so on.
But we will keep remembering that at a time when the masses were obsessed with following the events of the World Cup, Israel went to re-elect Benjamin Netanyahu and with him the clique of priestly and priestly parties, and during that time it killed about thirty Palestinians in the West Bank and the list has not yet been closed, and after a few days Lapid will hand over the keys of government to Netanyahu. And soon he will retract what he said two months ago at the United Nations, boasting that Israel is the only country in the world that wrote a book “by God’s decision.” But all this made the veteran writer, Shimon Sheffer, say: “And I, very much longing for the country from which we came, A small village in Hungary that no longer exists.
Israel's neck to host the World Cup after eight years, with the participation of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, will it host it, or will it make its way to Hungary? .


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Israel, the World Cup and the road to Hungary