Jerusalem - "Al-Quds" dot com - The two professors at Al-Quds University, Dr. Ziad Abedin and Dr. Fouad Al-Rimawi is among the top 2% of the world's researchers for distinguished research production for the year 2021, according to the list of Stanford University and the global (ElSEVIER) database.
The updated Stanford-Elsevier list for 2022 relied on the Scopus database, which is a composite index based on the number of citations, the nature of the research field, the H factor, the researcher's position in research papers, and other scientific research criteria.
For his part, the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Imad Abu Kishk congratulated the two researchers, wishing them more research achievement in the coming years. This success is attributed to the university's vision of supporting its academics and students in the field of scientific research, and its endeavor to create an appropriate research environment that motivates researchers to raise the level of scientific research regionally and globally.
The two researchers emphasized that this achievement comes with the presence of a supportive university that provides researchers with appropriate working conditions, and provides a space for research work and scientific production within a supportive environment. They thanked Al-Quds University for its efforts in supporting the research field in general.
works a. Dr.. Fouad Al-Rimawi is a member of the teaching staff in the Department of Chemistry at the university, and has published more than 90 scientific papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The field of natural extracts, focusing on their use as antioxidants and natural preservatives in many foods, medicines, and cosmetics. There is also a lot of research that focuses on analyzing and identifying the effective chemicals in plant extracts, using various chemical analyzers.
As for the professor of public health, Dr. Ziyad Abdeen, his main research interests focus on the social, psychological and behavioral determinants of mental and physical health and well-being, and the development of risky behavior patterns in schoolchildren related to nutrition, eating habits and physical activity. He has conducted numerous surveys, published numerous reports, articles, studies and book chapters, and held several positions in the nutrition, agriculture and health sectors.
It is noteworthy that the university came among the first Palestinian ranks according to the QS classification for this year, and last year it won the first place in Palestine and the twenty-first in the Arab world in the index of the number of citations per research paper, according to the statistics of the global Scopus base QS, at a rate of 95 research papers since the beginning of 2020.
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Two researchers at Al-Quds University are among the top 2% of the world's researchers, according to the "Elsevier 2022" list