From the inspiration of the homeland (14).
Hamas and the decision to return to Syria:
Risks and repercussions!!
Dr.. Ahmed Youssef
In the context of opinion and other opinion, the Brotherhood’s councils are not devoid of intense discussions these days about what is rumored about the desire of some Hamas leaders abroad to return to Syria, in the context of calculations that, unfortunately, seem to be their primary motive. The process in its aspect related to principles and morals seems embarrassing, and it will draw a lot of criticism on the movement on the one hand, and a loss of confidence in the Islamic street on the other hand, as there are those who see in this step that it is hasty and useless at present, and it is If it takes place, it is nothing more than a reckless adventure for some of the brothers in leadership who were seduced by the manifestations of leadership!! One of them no longer cares about the opinion of the majority of their brothers inside and outside, not even the voices of many of the nation's scholars who spoke and sent their warnings about the dire consequences of such a step and its impact on the status and "credibility" of Hamas. As a national liberation movement with an Islamic flag
It is unfortunate that some of the leaders of the movement abroad are still arguing and insisting on their opinion, and they did not pay attention to what all these scholars, preachers and Islamic personalities say, whose opinions and statements made their way to the media satellites and social media, in what constitutes Great concerns about the possibility of the global Islamic incubator retreating in its endorsement and support for Hamas, and exposing the image of its valiant resistance to the occupation to challenge and distortion.
The position on the Syrian regime has not changed much; Because the regime, in its essence, “has not been changed or altered,” and that the Syrian people, who embraced Hamas and provided it with more financial and moral support than the Gulf states combined, deserve that we at least take into account their feelings, and not lose sight of what befell them. Tragedies and sorrows, and he still suffers to this day from the oppression of the ruling regime in his country, and he expects his brothers in the Hamas movement to take into account their grievances, and not to be an arrow in the side, by standing by those who oppressed them and caused what happened to them in terms of calamity and a humanitarian catastrophe. It paid millions of them to emigrate and be homeless outside the country
There is no doubt that such a step, and other statements that preceded it by some leaders in the movement, opened the door for many Syrians, as well as those sympathetic to their grievances in the Arab and Islamic worlds, whose intentions we have no doubt about the purity of their intentions. Some of them abuse Hamas in accusing Hamas of becoming a tool To the allies of the Syrian regime, and those whom these displaced Syrians accuse of being accomplices in the crime that befell their homes, and that Hamas - this great Islamic movement - has lost the vision and the correctness of its position by lining up with this alliance, and in a way that may distance it from the literature of values and principles that Its slogans are evident, and its fragrant history of struggle is embellished, and it is dependent on calculations from the narrow interests of some, and what that means in terms of “killing” or a stab at everything that the nation’s public believed to be right, purity and legitimacy in its support for Hamas and its popular movement in fighting the oppressors of The attacking Zionists...
The question that arises is: Why all this haste in the statements that we hear from some of our brothers in the movement, who push flimsy pretexts for rapprochement with an unjust regime that has not yet reconciled with its people, and is still isolated regionally and internationally.
What are some Hamas leaders abroad afraid of, as if they are begging to return to Syria, in order to appease some of the regime's allies in the region?
And the other question that imposes itself as well: What is the reaction of the Islamists - who are in the millions around the world - towards this hasty step in relying on some of the leaders of the movement to those who wronged? Is it sufficient to say that it is the constraints of interest and the “rule of necessity” that imposed this on them, or that it is the need for money and a supporter, and that it is nothing more than a step to secure a “safe reward” if the days betrayed them, and they were expelled from the fortresses of estrangement? to new constraints.
In the past, our secular opponents used to accuse us of being "politicians" and our response was that we are people of principles, and our politics are interests governed by principles and values. Unfortunately, today we look like the one that untangled its flirtation. Since our relations with the Islamic whole are beginning to crack, and the "credibility" that was our capital in all Islamic arenas is today questioned and questioned.
We do not object - in principle - to the idea of returning to Syria, as it is a sister country that embraces thousands of our people. His people, and there are millions of displaced persons and refugees among them who seek refuge in God from those who wronged them or colluded with those who wronged them.
Those who follow the media of the Syrian regime will not find that they welcome the step that some Hamas leaders are taking, and that the atmosphere of the official discourse in the media is in the form of: "If they come...let them come humbly"!!
In short, we can say that this step in the direction of returning to Syria now is not successful from my point of view, and it is not an urgent need to which the rule of necessity applies. The solution is with our Syrian brothers in exile and diaspora. It allows us to say: “We have not failed you.” And now, with your return to your homes, we have the right to move to restore the relationship with Syria, which was a strong pillar of our Palestinian struggle.
I say to those who are in a hurry to return to Syria at any cost, and just to register a position that satisfies some of their allies and our brothers in Beirut and Tehran, that if this step takes place, it will be the first major crack in the relationship of the Hamas movement with its Islamic base and its organizational ties at home and abroad.
Yes, there are those who whisper in the Brotherhood’s special councils the necessity of moving and declaring innocence from such a position, and defaming everyone who stands behind him or calls for him from the upper ranks of the Hamas leaders abroad or even inside, and this, if done, is based on the people’s enthusiasm, the cause and its pages. Light, its movement and its resistance to peace.
last word; To our brothers and loved ones among the leaders of the Hamas movement.. Whoever is distressed by exile and fears that some countries will turn the back of madness for him, the doors of Jerusalem are wide open for him, and the liberated Gaza calls him to bond and testify on its pure land, as the fate of the rebel is - Brothers - not alienation, but the homeland.
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Hamas and the Decision to Return to Syria: Risks and Repercussions!!