Jerusalem - "Al-Quds" dot com - The General Secretariat of the National People's Congress for Jerusalem held an expanded meeting today, Wednesday, headed by the Secretary-General, Major General Bilal Natsheh, during which a number of issues of concern to the Jerusalemites were discussed, in addition to the conference's achievements during the last period.
On the agenda of the meeting, which began with reading Al-Fatihah on the souls of the martyrs of our people, was a discussion of the conference’s achievements in the past period to date, the conference’s activity and its role in helping citizens at all levels to enhance their steadfastness, in addition to the visits and agreements held by the conference during the foreign tours, and reviewing the plans and programs of the conference during the stage coming.
The meeting reviewed the achievements of the General Secretariat and the executive teams to confirm the steadfastness of the citizen and the Jerusalemite national institutions with their various orientations and specializations, by working on the relevant files on the Jerusalem arena.
The General Secretariat stressed the importance of accumulating actual practical achievements that would contribute to consolidating the concept of Jerusalem as the capital of the future State of Palestine, and confronting the occupation's plans of Israelization and Judaization.
And she stressed that the conference worked from the beginning to achieve a number of goals, including continuing to highlight the issue of Jerusalem in Arab, Islamic and international forums as the political and spiritual capital of the Palestinian state, representing Jerusalem on all Arab, Islamic and international levels as well as on the national and popular levels, and strengthening the relationship between Jerusalem institutions and their counterparts internally and externally, and promoting The economic, health and educational situation, the development of infrastructure for the people of Jerusalem, the detection, resistance and monitoring of the occupation measures and its violations, the provision of legal, financial and public support and follow-up against the occupation measures and the contribution to the establishment and development of institutions working in the field of providing social services and caring for youth, children, women, the elderly and local community organizations as well as contributing to raising awareness and mobilizing The masses among the people of Jerusalem in national and religious issues and ensuring freedom of worship for all religions.
In addition, the conference discussed the overall field and political developments in the Holy City and listened to reports from the audience in this regard.
The meeting indicated that the National People's Congress for Jerusalem works in coordination with the relevant governmental agencies, specifically with the Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs, the governorate and religious references, all of which fall under the banner of the Jerusalem Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization, in implementation of the recent decision of the Central Council, and the general directorates of the ministries, in follow-up The file of defending lands, resisting settlement, monitoring settlement activities in Jerusalem, as well as following up the file of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Islamic and Christian sanctities.
They emphasized that the conference took upon itself the issue of Al-Aqsa as one of its most important priorities by introducing what is being plotted against it and the Islamic and Christian sanctities through issuing newsletters and press releases and circulating them to all regional and international institutions. And document everything that is published or published about Al-Aqsa. Representing the latter in seminars, festivals and events, whether scientific, religious or political.
The General Secretariat referred to the conference's follow-up to the housing file and the obstacles facing citizens in issuing the necessary permits for construction and expansion, and helping to overcome obstacles in this field.
The participants also referred to the conference’s follow-up of the file of local bodies, councils, and popular committees, and the holding of many meetings with all councils within the framework of the Jerusalem governorate, and its assistance in presenting its projects to the relevant Palestinian, Arab, and international bodies, and overcoming the obstacles facing its work. As well as the establishment of popular committees in the Jerusalemite neighborhoods inside the wall, working in accordance with the programs of the conference to help citizens and combat poverty and unemployment.
On the file of social reform, the conferees indicated that the constituent body of the Supreme Tribal Council of Jerusalem was formed and cooperated with reform men in addressing the problems and the absence of law, imposing the control of societal law, and preserving lives and property when problems occurred in the governorate.
Regarding the cultural file, the General Secretariat said that the conference worked and is still working on the cultural situation in Jerusalem through cultural institutions, continuous communication with them, and coordination with them regarding this aspect.
Regarding the education file, the conferees explained that there has been constant communication with the Directorate of Education in Jerusalem and work to monitor violations of the occupation regarding the educational process throughout the city and the governorate, and to provide the required assistance in this regard, and to respond through the Ministry, parents’ committees, civil society institutions, national institutions and frameworks. And the Jerusalem activities of the occupation programs aimed at the Israeliization and Judaization of the national educational process, imposing the Israeli curriculum in Jerusalem schools, and combating the phenomenon of school dropouts.
The meeting discussed the achievements in the files of health, Jerusalemite institutions, youth, women, civil peace, popular committees, neighborhood committees, and community work, in addition to reviewing the activities and events of the conference at the internal and external levels.
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The National People's Congress for Jerusalem affirms the continuation of work to strengthen the steadfastness of Jerusalemites