Bait Mal al-Quds Agency , affiliated to the Jerusalem Committee, chaired by King Mohammed VI, presented the “Dlala” platform for electronic marketing of Palestinian products in the capital, Nouakchott, today, Wednesday, on the sidelines of the Investment Forum for Mauritania and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, within the activities of the “Investment Days of the Islamic Center for Trade Development.”
According to a statement by the agency, the platform project, which was launched by the agency with a social and solidarity methodology, comes to support the trade sector in Jerusalem, help merchants and local associations to market their products, and enable them to promote them in exhibitions, inside and outside Palestine, within the framework of a partnership and cooperation agreement with the Islamic Center for the Development of Trade. Organization of Islamic Cooperation, headquartered in Casablanca.
The agency places the electronic platform (Dlala) at the disposal of the productive bodies, institutions and craft associations in Jerusalem to market their products, in a solidarity framework that benefits these bodies, institutions and associations.
This platform would bring the businesses of male and female manufacturers in the city closer to the Arab and international markets and give them the opportunity to introduce their products and offer them, in an optimal way, to consumers who request them, individually or collectively.
And to encourage producing bodies, institutions, and associations, the agency puts all the capabilities programmed within the framework of the project: “Civil Initiatives for a Sustainable Program for Human Development in Jerusalem” to enhance the skills of producers, develop production, improve its quality, and raise its competitiveness in the internal and external markets.
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Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency presents the “Dlala” platform for marketing Palestinian products