It is clear that there have been significant developments in the level of relations between the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood and other "political Islam" forces with the US administration. This is confirmed by the fundamental reality of the functional role of the Muslim Brotherhood, whose alliance with the US Republican Party and the Trump administration has been proven through clear contacts and approaches between the movement and influential Republican parties.
I had listened to statements by a Brotherhood leader, as he enumerated the advantages of relations with the United States, and spoke about the prospects for the relationship between his movement and the American administration, and the possibility of reviving the political and media work and participation in the political life of the “Brotherhood” organization in some Arab countries. This may include the adoption and conclusion of an agreement and promises to the “Brotherhood” leaders from American officials. These are the “Muslim Brotherhood”’s bets on their historical international ally, represented by the Republican Party, which years ago received a delegation of members of the “Brotherhood’s Shura Council” in the US Congress. There is also the developing relationship with the former regime of Mohamed Morsi in Egypt, and the aid provided to the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria and other organizations under its umbrella, and others within the framework of the policy of axes through well-known regional channels in Qatar, Turkey and elsewhere, and the functional role that the American administrations want to devote in the Arab region to confront the progressive and nationalist forces, and rebuild the official Arab system on new foundations through which Israel is the superior state politically, economically, militarily and informationally and the first at all levels, and even Israel is a central address. For an Arab and regional axis to confront the so-called Iranian threat, according to American-Israeli-Gulf allegations.
Years after the outbreak of the so-called "Arab Spring" revolutions, which changed the face of the Arab region and established a new reality in light of the collapse of regimes and the formation of other axes and movements based entirely on external agendas far removed from the hopes and aspirations of the Arab people from the Atlantic to the Gulf, these "revolutions" failed to achieve the goals and slogans they proposed, represented by freedom, democracy and social justice. There are a number of reasons that led to this failure, most notably the lack of democratic organizations aware of the proposals for change, the struggle for public rights and freedoms and the achievement of building a democratic system, as well as direct foreign interventions from here and there and from multiple political axes and geographies, each with its own agendas to prevent the achievement of the desires and goals of these revolutions.
The Muslim Brotherhood, the most organized group, was able to infiltrate these revolutions and divert their paths in favor of its partisan agendas and Islamist slogans linked to the goals and programs of the group, which has always sought to overthrow the reality of the Arab nation and Islamize its societies. It found those who support it and provide it with media propaganda via satellite channels and widely spread platforms, and provide financial, logistical and military support in order to implement its backers’ plans to rebuild the Arab system and change the face of the region, arriving at what we have reached today, where normalization and a normal relationship with Israel has become the most prominent aspect. Many regimes rushed to establish relations, sign agreements, and begin implementing joint projects publicly in a stab at the Palestinian cause and its people, who are still struggling for their right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
After all these lean years, and the wars, human rights violations, and brutal massacres against the Arab peoples that have been witnessed, the world as a whole has followed what has happened and is happening in Libya and Yemen, what has happened to Syria, what has happened in Egypt, what has happened in Tunisia, what is happening in Iraq, what has happened in Lebanon, and what is being circulated in the corridors to inflate the hostility between Algeria and Morocco over the Sahara issue, and the Gulf disputes with Qatar, and many other issues that have become the title of the hot files of this stage.
Normalization is the other side of the plan to liquidate the Palestinian cause. It is a result of the so-called Arab Spring, in which each regime began to seek its own position and to consolidate its foundations. The United States succeeded in directing its slaves, the rulers and princes of some regimes, to directly establish relations with Israel. Today, Israel has become a front to which Arab rulers turn to ensure their legitimacy and their continued presence in power, and to plunder the wealth and resources of their occupied peoples.
The time has come for a comprehensive review of the entire Arab situation. The responsibility falls on Arab political and intellectual parties, movements, and leaders to redirect the compass, protect Arab societies, and continue the struggle to build a democratic Arab system governed by the principles of justice, solidarity, and joint action. This responsibility also stems the tide of all those who have diverted the path and seek to subjugate our peoples, subject them to vulgarity, and force them to be loyal to their hollow slogans, whose falsehood and role in misleading Arab citizens have been proven.
The Muslim Brotherhood, the most organized group, was able to infiltrate these revolutions and divert their paths to serve its partisan agendas and Islamist slogans, which are linked to the goals and programs of the group, which has always sought to overthrow the reality of the Arab nation and Islamize its societies.
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Arab reality and intractable challenges