

Sat 22 Mar 2025 9:56 am - Jerusalem Time

Israeli occupation government's violation of the ceasefire

As part of its operational premises, the Israeli occupation government, headed by war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu, has sought to inflame all forms of conflict and threaten Arab national security by attempting to displace the Palestinian people from their historic land and erase their legitimate rights.

Israel, the occupying power, has been working on a plan that threatens and undermines Arab national security. It plans to annex more than 70% of the West Bank and expand its occupation into Syrian and Lebanese territories. War criminal Netanyahu has repeatedly stated that he will change the Middle East and that he is waging a war on seven fronts, six of which are Arab.

The occupation government seeks to seize Arab natural resources, threatens Arab water and economic security, and works to obliterate Arab identity, steal Arab heritage, culture, and narrative, and alter the historical and legal status quo in occupied Jerusalem and its Islamic and Christian holy sites, foremost among them the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. It seeks to impose Israeli sovereignty over these sites, just as it divided and controlled the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron.

The occupation government's violation of the ceasefire is a severe blow to Gaza, destroying every prospect and achievement made in recent weeks. The large number of wounded and killed is terrifying. Many residents have returned to their homes in recent weeks and are now in grave danger. At the same time, Israel, the occupying power and extremist group, continues to block all means of delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza, while violating all international positions demanding that Israel abide by and comply with international humanitarian law.

The occupation government has targeted international humanitarian organizations in a crime that adds to a long list of violations that violate all humanitarian standards. It demonstrates the occupation's insistence on obstructing the international community's efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people. The ceasefire is a flagrant violation of international law and humanitarian laws, and reflects the criminal mentality of the occupation, which does not hesitate to target civilians and international humanitarian organizations that play a vital role in providing aid to those affected by its ongoing aggression.

Given the current situation, it has become imperative to impose sanctions, an economic boycott, political isolation, and legal prosecution of the occupation through international and national justice mechanisms. This is because we stand on the right side of history. We must take action, produce influential positions, and ensure immediate action by those organizations, institutions, and countries that believe in the justice of the Palestinian cause, recognize the rights of the Palestinian people, stand against the occupation, condemn the horrific Israeli crimes, and turn words into action.

The criminal Israeli government continues its war, attacking cities and camps in the West Bank, destroying Palestinian refugee camps, forcibly displacing tens of thousands from their homes, expanding illegal settler colonialism, protecting settler terrorism, promoting apartheid, demolishing homes, seizing land, destroying infrastructure, and storming cities, villages, and camps.

The Palestinian people will continue their steadfastness and legitimate struggle against the occupation until they achieve their legitimate national rights, foremost among which is their right to self-determination and the establishment of their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. It has become important to move to implement the decisions of the Arab Summit and achieve national unity on the basis of commitment to the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of our people, its political program, its international obligations, and the principle of order, law, and one weapon.

To enable the government of the State of Palestine to assume governance responsibilities in the Gaza Strip, within the framework of the political and geographical unity of the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967.


The occupation government seeks to seize Arab natural resources, threatens Arab water and economic security, and works to obliterate Arab identity, steal Arab heritage, culture, and narrative, and alter the historical and legal status quo in occupied Jerusalem.


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Israeli occupation government's violation of the ceasefire