

Wed 19 Mar 2025 9:40 am - Jerusalem Time

Crimes that cross all red lines

More than 300 Palestinian civilians have been killed and more than 1,000 wounded in the Gaza Strip as a result of deliberate Israeli bombardment. This is not the result of a mistake or miscalculation, but rather an intentional attempt to turn the Gaza Strip into a "piece of hell," as the far-right Minister of Defense and the Army, Israel Katz, publicly declared in the settlement.

More than three hundred martyrs in one night, by bombing clearly identified civilian sites - tents, public housing, and residential buildings - without any warning to their inhabitants. Some died under the bombing and raids, their homes were destroyed, and others were burned alive, or their bodies were burned as a result of the bombing with incendiary bombs.

It is genocide and ethnic cleansing to complete the plan to respond to October 7, a plan to make Palestine, in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank camps, until now, uninhabitable, unlivable, by direct, deliberate killing, or attempts to push towards immigration, departure and displacement as happened in 1948, the year of the Nakba, the year of the forced displacement of the Palestinians as Ben-Gurion had previously done.

They want to kill the Palestinians, as punishment for the 2022 Palestinian census data, which shows more than seven million Palestinian Arabs across the entire land of Palestine, because the presence of more than seven million Palestinian Arabs, Muslims and Christians, prevents the establishment of a state: Jewish, Hebrew, Israeli, or Zionist, across the entire land of Palestine.

They want to get rid of the Palestinian Arab from his homeland, which is his only homeland. That is why they find it acceptable to kill and work to reduce the number of Palestinians as much as possible. The killing and destruction are taking place under official American and European cover, despite the fact that Israeli killing and destruction violate all human rights prohibitions. However, Palestinian civilians are being killed silently, under cover, with declared and effective American support, under cover of preventing any international legal or political action against the criminals of the colony. Even those who stand with Palestine, such as South Africa, are being punished by withholding aid and expelling their ambassador from Washington.

I was saying no war in the Gaza Strip after the bloody fifteen months against the backdrop of the Israeli failure in the entire war and invasion of the Gaza Strip, where the colony's army failed to: 1- Release the Israeli prisoners without an exchange deal, 2- Uproot and eliminate the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip, and the failure of Netanyahu's plans increased by the court's insistence on forming an investigation committee on the basis of: "negligence", but he evaded, and did everything he could to postpone the formation of the investigation committee under the pretext that he is in a state of war, and the Supreme Court postponed its decision to form the investigation committee until next May, so he worked to dismiss and change the leaders of the army and intelligence who raised the slogan "There are no strategic goals to address in the Gaza Strip", and here he is inventing through his minister Katz that the strategic goals are people, aren't they the popular incubator of the resistance?

Therefore, it has become clear that the strategic goal of the war on the Palestinian people is to eliminate the largest possible number of Palestinian civilians. Isn't this truly genocide and ethnic cleansing by the colony of Palestinian civilians?


They want to rid the Palestinian Arabs of their homeland, which is their only homeland. That is why they find it acceptable to kill and work to reduce the number of Palestinians as much as possible. The killing and destruction is carried out under official American and European cover.


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Crimes that cross all red lines