

Sat 15 Mar 2025 9:39 am - Jerusalem Time

Preventing worshippers from reaching Al-Aqsa Mosque

It is only natural that the colonial government, its army, and its security forces would prevent the masses of Palestinians coming from the West Bank governorates from performing Friday prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque for more than one reason:

First: These pious believers, who are heading towards Al-Aqsa Mosque, are Muslims who hold convictions, principles, and faith that Jerusalem is their country, their homeland, the first of the two Qiblahs (direction of prayer), and the capital of their state, a source of inspiration for their steadfastness, survival, and hope for victory.

Second: Through their prayers, solidarity, and faith, they connect and integrate their faith as Muslims with their citizenship as Palestinians. This contradicts the ideology of Zionism, occupation, expansion, and hostility toward Islam and Palestine.

Third: The idea of Zionism and its colonial, expansionist, occupying, and subjugating project is based on the idea that a united Jerusalem is the capital of the Israeli colony, and that the demonstrations of tens of thousands of Palestinian Muslims, with their prayers and their orientation towards Jerusalem, towards Al-Aqsa Mosque, undermine the Zionist, Israeli, and Jewish nature of Arab, Islamic, and Palestinian Jerusalem.

Fourth: Isn’t what the people of Palestine, the people of Carmel, Galilee, the Triangle, the Negev, and the mixed coastal cities, saying enough in their orientations, faith, adherence, and prayers to and for Jerusalem, exploiting and investing in the state of giving as citizens, standing firm, steadfast, brave, and courageous, against whom Zionism and its expansionist colonial project, imposed by force upon them, have not been able, after 75 years of its project in the territories of 1948, to Israelize them and integrate them so that they become Israelis in citizenship, loyalty, and interest?

Zionism and its colonial project failed to Israelize the Palestinian people in the 1948 territories, and they constituted an obstacle to imposing the Jewishness of the state, as was done through the "Jewish State" law. More than twenty percent of the people of Palestine remained, persevered, and preserved their Palestinian national identity, their Arab nationalism, their Islam, and their Christianity.

Preventing Palestinian Muslims from the West Bank from reaching Al-Aqsa Mosque is similar to what they did to Palestinian Christians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip from reaching the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem to perform church prayers on the occasion of Christmas. This is a great sin, a transgression of all prohibitions, and a violation of a person’s right to perform his religious duties. However, in addition to the violations and crimes committed by the Israeli colony before the world, openly and with extreme clarity, the world must awaken from its slumber and narrow-mindedness regarding how to deal with the colony, and work to isolate and punish it, and make it an outcast, as it deserves, as happened with South Africa and all the colonial countries whose colonial manifestations vanished and were defeated by the peoples who were subjected to oppression and ultimately triumphed. At the end of the journey, at the end of the path of suffering that culminated in victory, the people of Palestine will triumph, as is the right, as is the demand, as is life.


Preventing Palestinian Muslims from the West Bank from accessing Al-Aqsa Mosque is similar to what they did to Palestinian Christians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip from accessing the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.


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Preventing worshippers from reaching Al-Aqsa Mosque