We must once again warn of the repercussions of the bloody, criminal aggression of the Israeli occupation against Jerusalem and large areas of the West Bank. The renewed Israeli aggression against the West Bank is a dangerous escalation within the comprehensive war waged by Israel - the entity established by force of aggression and barbaric occupation - against our entire Palestinian people. This aggression is the implementation of the fascist "conflict resolution" plan devised by the war criminal "Bezalel Smt. ...
This plan has nothing to do with the so-called "security of Israel and its people," and its only goal is to eliminate the rights of the Palestinian people and concentrate them in closed communities, in accordance with the apartheid model in South Africa, with the aim of displacing them from their homeland. The goal that the occupation seeks, under pretexts and media deception, is to destroy the infrastructure and directly target civilians as part of its criminal plan based on the doctrine of aggression and organized crime to impose forced displacement and practice the most heinous methods of terrorism and ethnic cleansing against us. It is no coincidence that this widespread aggression against areas in the northern occupied West Bank coincides with the criminal war of extermination in the Gaza Strip. The government of blood is exploiting the world's preoccupation with this war in order to implement extremely dangerous plans against the Palestinian people wherever they are located, to consolidate the occupation's hegemony, prolong the war and occupation in general on Palestinian land, prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, and establish an absolutely fascist dictatorial regime in Israel itself.
All these bloody issues - from the genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza, which has not stopped despite the fragile ceasefire agreement, to the deepening of the occupation, the West Bank, and fascism in Israel - are all interconnected within the same decisive plan, which the occupation government continues to embody and implement, its hostile chapters that violate all international laws and agreements. The occupation's plans, of course, target the entire Palestinian presence in the West Bank and Jerusalem, coinciding with the ongoing war of genocide against our people in Gaza. What is clearly required today is an official Palestinian declaration of non-compliance with any agreements with the occupation, the embodiment of the Palestinian state, and the strengthening of our people's struggle in confronting the occupation's terrorism and its fascist policies and measures. The UN Security Council - if it still has any seriousness and responsibility - must call for an urgent special session to discuss the dangerous Israeli escalation in the West Bank and impose sanctions on the occupation, which has come to feel that it is above the law in light of the unlimited support, care, and protection of the US administration.
The occupation government is behaving with utmost impudence, engaging in heinous, greedy aggression, insisting on escalating the situation and seeking to endlessly expand the war fronts, in order to push toward a regional war that will bring calamities and lead to destruction for which everyone will pay the price.
In the same fascist and aggressive mentality, comes the announcement of the Israeli Foreign Minister, Yisrael Katz, who called for dealing with what he calls the threat in the West Bank like Gaza and implementing a temporary evacuation of the population. These aggressive and racist statements and positions represent the Nazi occupation mentality and are an advanced step in the program of apartheid, forced displacement, war crimes, and ethnic cleansing that the Netanyahu government is working to translate on the ground in partnership with the US administration, which provides all forms of support to Israel to carry out its actions that violate international law and all international agreements and conventions. His statements and positions are well known in advance and are consistent with the program upon which the government coalition that leads the occupation government is based, headed by Netanyahu. In light of all this racism and aggression, the occupation government poses a real threat to security and stability, at all levels. It is the duty and responsibility of international institutions to quickly take deterrent measures and curb such aggressive policies, which represent a program for a comprehensive war that threatens the entire region. These are continuous Israeli attempts to consolidate the tyrannical occupation reality on Palestinian land.
The practical translation of the occupation government's policies came quickly with more crimes, killings, assassinations and widespread invasions that came at the same time, including Tulkarm, Jenin and Tubas, which are still exposed to Israeli aggression by the occupation army armed with American-made heavy weapons, machinery and bulldozers, which is systematically and deliberately sabotaging everything it can reach. In the face of this aggression and this expansion of the madness of neo-fascism, our people will remain steadfast on their land. All the organized crimes and daily attacks committed by the occupation will not deter our people from their right to struggle and confront the plans and projects of the occupation. The right of our people is steadfast, and they adhere to their just and legitimate national rights. The time has come for a serious Arab and international position to support the Palestinian right and take immediate measures to compel the occupation to stop all its sabotage acts and its comprehensive war on our people in the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem and the West Bank.
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The occupation's terrorism in the West Bank continues...so what should be the response?