

Sun 09 Mar 2025 10:42 am - Jerusalem Time

Ramadan in Jerusalem under the hammer of occupation and the anvil of oppression

Muslims all over the world welcome the holy month of Ramadan with humble, worshipful hearts, and with sad eyes and consciences pained by what is happening in Jerusalem, Gaza, Jenin and all of occupied Palestine from the ongoing Israeli aggression and oppression, an occupation that does not care about international legitimacy and does not give weight to noble human morals or religious customs and beliefs. Tolerance, freedom of worship and respect for rituals are missing terms that are unknown to the dictionary of Israeli violations.

The Israeli occupation, as usual, paved the way for the month of Ramadan in Jerusalem with systematic measures targeting the city’s Arab and Islamic identity, by imposing restrictions such as limiting the number of people allowed to attend Friday prayers to only ten thousand worshipers, and within specific ages, in addition to what is called a test to measure the volume of the call to prayer, and the policy of daily storming by hundreds of settlers who are provided with guidance and protection services from the occupation police, in addition to blatant restrictions on Muslims entering Al-Aqsa Mosque, and placing obstacles in the way of efforts to organize Ramadan iftar tables.

The Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs, while explaining to world public opinion that the measures and crimes of the Israeli occupation are not limited to its restrictions imposed in the holy month of Ramadan, but rather are an occupation policy that exists at all times, the occupation’s exposure to the privacy of the month of Ramadan is a failed attempt to break the steadfastness and unity of the people of Jerusalem, and illegitimate steps to attempt to Judaize, Israelize and Hebraize the city, especially since reviewing the historical Palestinian and Jerusalemite memory reflects the close relationship between the month of Ramadan and Jerusalem, including the uprisings of struggle during it in the face of the arrogance of the Israeli occupation. Therefore, the occupation’s policy is, in essence, an unacceptable provocation of the feelings of millions of Muslims and free people in the world.

The Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs stresses that this year’s Ramadan comes within the framework of an international political climate characterized by increasing Israeli violations in occupied Palestine and the escalation of political and economic crises in the region and the world, including the repercussions of October 7 (Al-Aqsa Flood), which contributed, despite the occupation, to the return of the Palestinian cause as a basic file in diplomacy and international forums, and for recognition of the Palestinian state, condemnation of the aggression, and demanding that Israel abide by international law and the international resolutions issued to become the title of the current and future stage, but the matter still requires international will and effectiveness to support the Palestinian people.

The Royal Committee for Jerusalem Affairs affirms that Ramadan in Jerusalem, Gaza and all of occupied Palestine, with its Israeli oppression and brutality, is met with unified Arab and Islamic sentiments towards the necessity of supporting Palestine and Jerusalem. Hence, Jordan, its people and Hashemite leadership, which has the Hashemite guardianship over the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem, see Ramadan as a symbol of steadfastness, struggle and unity among the people of Jerusalem and all of Palestine. So, a salute of reverence and pride to our people in Jerusalem and Palestine, and a salute to the families of the martyrs, prisoners and wounded, and to our people in Gaza who are suffering from aggression and siege. Jordan will remain faithful to its pledge during Ramadan and at all times, supporting and backing our people in Jerusalem and Palestine until the end of the occupation and their attainment of the right to self-determination and the establishment of their independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital on the 1967 borders.


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Ramadan in Jerusalem under the hammer of occupation and the anvil of oppression