Before the "Gaza War" and the fascist aggressive attack of the colony on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip stopped, the puzzling question, often repeated by observers, was: What comes after the war?? What comes after the second day of the war?? Who will take power in the Gaza Strip after Hamas??
I would answer that there are three possibilities:
The first is to install a Palestinian civil administration that has no connection to the resistance. I used to answer that this was an unlikely option, and that no civilian would be able to respond to such an option. In fact, no one had the courage to accept this adventurous option, in response to the Israeli demand.
The second is the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza as it was before the Hamas coup and its military option in 2007, but this requires understanding and coordination between the Fatah and Hamas movements, and it is the most realistic option.
The third, which observers ruled out, but I did not rule it out for two reasons: first, the results of the military battle and the field engagement, which reached the essence of the Palestinians holding out even if they did not win yet, and that the Israelis failed but were not defeated yet, and therefore the political battle will be an extension of the military battle with the same tools of engagement between the two parties, and second, the ceasefire negotiations are taking place between the colony and Hamas, and the truce agreement was reached between the colony and Hamas under American sponsorship with Qatar and Egypt, and therefore it is natural for the negotiations between them to continue to reach this level of understanding, acceptance and result, even if both of them were forced to do so.
Observers ruled out this option because the colony and Washington viewed Hamas as a “terrorist” organization. I said and I say that the colony and Washington were dealing with Fatah and the PLO as “terrorist” factions. However, the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat, head of Fatah and head of the PLO, was the one who was received at the White House and signed the Oslo Accords in 1993. Washington had previously negotiated with the “very terrorist” Taliban movement and handed it power in Afghanistan. These are examples of many similar models in the world, and the whole world is witnessing negotiations between enemies.
Here is Trump, the "political extremist" and "strongly" supporter of the colony, announcing that the United States is negotiating with Hamas, although this is accompanied by "extremist" terms that undermine Hamas, but it did not stop there, because it realizes that the most important content for it is accepting to sit at the table with the Americans as a party that decides and practices negotiations.
The truce agreement was reached between the colony and Hamas under American sponsorship, along with Qatar and Egypt. Therefore, it is natural for negotiations between them to continue to reach this level of understanding, acceptance and result, even if both of them were forced to do so.
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Negotiations with Hamas are a necessary evil