Despite all the painful scenes, complicit positions, and hungry statements that are happening around us to devour Gaza, as if it were an easy morsel, a hamburger meal that the real estate developer has fallen in love with, to the point of becoming addicted to it, ignoring doctors’ advice to stop eating it, the scenes of freedom for the prisoners emerging from behind the curtains of darkness renew certainty and inspire hope in the inevitability of the victory of truth over falsehood, of the homeland over occupation, and of freedom over the chains.
The testimonies of those leaving the cemeteries of the living shake the soul to its core, and call for urgent intervention to protect those who are suffering torture in the investigation cells, without the most basic humane conditions being available to them.
The prisoners appeared to have lost weight, their ribs were broken, and their faces were pale, from the gloom of the scene and the bad situation they found themselves in, with starvation, terror, lack of treatment, and the brutality of the jailer, with systematic abuse and torture throughout the hours of the day and night.
Some of them have passed away, and some are waiting their turn in the queue for slow death, which is practiced as a policy that depends on slowly dissolving bodies from the effects of diseases and ulcers that find no one to heal them or alleviate their pains that have been deeply engraved in the souls of the victims before their exhausted bodies.
The river of freedom will never dry up, no matter how high the columns of smoke rise, or how dark the prison and the injustice of the jailer become.
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The river of freedom must not run dry!