Dr. Muhammad Abu Koush: Trump's policies will not be implemented easily because he has four years, which is not enough to make radical changes on a global level
Professor John Dabit: Trump does not rule according to clear political strategies, but rather according to his whims and personal interests, and he cannot be trusted.
Dr. Kholoud Al-Abidi: Trump's policies harm the interests of many people in America and abroad, so we must understand his policies away from media propaganda
Dr. Rifat Sayed Ahmed: The deep state in America is the real power that controls foreign policy directions, not the president
Dr. Muhammad Najib Bou Taleb: America is witnessing a political and moral decline, and democracy has become a slogan that hides tendencies towards arrogance, individualism, and vanity.
Osama Al-Sharif: Trump is a narcissist, a xenophobe, and a believer in white supremacy, in addition to his tendency to rule in an authoritarian manner.
The newcomer to the White House, Donald Trump, has not been slow to amaze the world with all the plans, directions and threats he issues, which do not spare an ally, enemy or follower. He wants Canada, the neighbor and one of the founding countries of NATO, to be the fiftieth state of the United States. He wants to buy Greenland by force from Denmark, seize the Panama Canal, impose customs duties on the countries of Europe and China, build a wall on the Mexican border, displace Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to Jordan and Egypt, and “scrape” a trillion dollars from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the name of investing in his country.
Diplomats, writers and analysts who spoke to “I” said that Trump does not rule according to clear political strategies, but rather according to his whims and personal interests, and that he cannot be trusted. They said that the United States is witnessing a political and moral decline, and that democracy has become a slogan that hides tendencies towards arrogance, individualism and vanity. Some considered that Trump’s policies will not be implemented easily because he has four years, which is not enough to bring about radical changes on a global level.
Trump acts like he's the "master of the world"
Dr. Mohammed Abu Koush, the former Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, warned that US President Donald Trump’s policies in his second term are a repetition of his approach in the first term, but he has begun to act as if he were the “master of the world,” imposing his decisions on other countries in a condescending and hasty manner.
Abu Koush explained that Trump is making unwise decisions, citing his statements about annexing Canada as a US state, which is an unrealistic matter that was met with Canadian rejection.
He also referred to his attempt to seize the Danish island of Greenland, without realizing that the standard of living there exceeds what the United States offers in the areas of health, education and retirement, in addition to the European Union standing by Denmark in the face of these attempts.
He added: "Trump seeks to impose taxes on the European Union and prevent the import of German cars in favor of American products, which fuels tensions with his allied countries."
He considered that these policies will not be implemented easily, especially since the US President has only four years, which is not enough to make radical changes on a global level.
Gaza Strip population displacement plan
Abu Koush touched on Trump's attempts to implement a plan to displace the residents of the Gaza Strip, in line with the Israeli government's extremist desire to control the Strip's gas and oil wealth.
He stressed that Trump seeks to have American companies replace British companies in exploration operations, to achieve major economic gains.
Abu Koush stressed that the forced displacement of the people of Gaza is illogical and contradicts Trump's own anti-immigrant positions within the United States.
He explained that the Palestinians are attached to their land, and they experienced asylum in 1948 and 1967 and are aware of its suffering, which makes them more determined to reject any attempt to empty the Strip of its inhabitants.
The people of Gaza are ready to sacrifice their lives in defense of their land
He pointed out that the Arab countries and the international community realize the impossibility of implementing this plan, and that the Palestinians in Gaza are prepared to sacrifice their lives in defense of their land, which makes the idea of displacement impractical.
In a related context, Abu Koush stressed that armed resistance to the occupation is a legitimate right according to the First Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions, and that the war of extermination launched by Netanyahu failed to eliminate the Palestinian resistance or displace the residents of Gaza.
He pointed out that Trump, who does not support open wars, forced Netanyahu to accept the ceasefire agreement and prisoner exchange, but he seeks to achieve the goal of displacement in another way that serves Israel without resorting to military action.
Abu Koush concluded by stressing that the steadfastness of the Palestinians and their adherence to their land has thwarted and will thwart any plan targeting their presence in their homeland.
Trump's new appointments in his administration reflect his extremist tendencies
For his part, Professor John Dabit, a member of the Democratic Party Central Committee in the US state of Iowa, said: “January 20 was an exceptional day in the United States, as it witnessed the inauguration of President Donald Trump for a new term, coinciding with the commemoration of Martin Luther King, amidst an atmosphere of sadness over the passing of former President Jimmy Carter.”
Dabit explained that Trump's speech during the inauguration ceremony was nothing more than an attempt to justify his previous policies during his first term (2016-2020), which carried controversial tendencies.
He pointed out that the first days of his second term witnessed a series of legal cases filed against him, most notably the American Civil Liberties Union's lawsuit against his decision to abolish birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants, a decision that contradicts the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution.
Dabit added that Trump's new appointments in his administration reflect his extremist tendencies, referring to the statements of former National Security Advisor John Bolton, who described these appointments as "the worst in history."
He pointed out that some of the new officials in the Trump administration have a history full of accusations related to sexual harassment and racism, in addition to their hostile positions towards the Palestinian cause.
He cited examples of new Secretary of State Marco Rubio, US Ambassador to Israel Mike Huckabee, who has publicly stated that “there is no such thing as a Palestinian people,” and US Ambassador to the United Nations Alice Stefanik, known for her extreme positions on Palestinian rights.
Trump began his second term with a vengeful spirit against those who opposed him.
Dabit pointed out that Trump began his second term with a vengeful spirit, as he dismissed many officials who had previously opposed him, including employees in the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
He added: Trump does not rule according to clear political strategies, but rather according to his whims and personal interests, which poses a threat to internal stability and the American global role.
Dabit warned that Trump views crises from a purely commercial perspective, citing the plan to displace more than one and a half million Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to Egypt and Jordan, as part of a project to transform the Strip into a tourist area.
He stressed that this plan serves the economic interests of Trump and his allies, but it will not be achieved due to the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their adherence to their land despite 75 years of occupation.
Dabit stressed that Trump proved during his first term his complete bias towards the Israeli occupation, as he broke the red lines in American policy by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the American embassy to it.
He stressed that previous experience has proven that Trump cannot be trusted, as his interests are in harmony with the interests of the occupation, not with Palestinian rights.
At the end of his statement, Dabit stressed the need to deal with caution with the Trump administration, emphasizing the importance of not building illusions about the possibility of it being fair to the Palestinian cause, despite the importance of continuous political communication to ensure that policies that affect Palestinian rights are not passed.
Understanding Trump Through His Books and Foreign Policies
For her part, Dr. Kholoud Al-Obaidi, a political science and international law specialist from Iraq, said: “We must be wary of the media that is hostile to US President Donald Trump, which describes him as moody and unpredictable.”
She explained that President Trump has many enemies, as his policies harm the interests of many parties inside and outside the United States. Therefore, we must understand President Trump's policy away from media propaganda.
She pointed out that there is more than one way to understand Trump's policy: first, understanding the trends and mechanisms of American foreign policy, and second, reading Trump's books, in which he has stated his foreign policies since the 1990s.
Al-Obaidi explained that American foreign policy has been characterized, since the founding of the United States, by following different trends. At first, President George Washington called for staying away from Europe’s problems, which was known as the policy of isolation. However, Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton disagreed with him, as he admired the British model, which had a strong naval fleet that controlled the world.
She added: “Hamilton’s policy has continued to this day, and it was represented by the liberal policy that prevailed since World War II, as the United States was preoccupied with intervening in wars and globalization policies, which led to the deterioration of its position. The United States is a colonial state, but whenever it withdraws externally, it returns to isolationist policies again.
The US President has a major role in his country's foreign policies.
She explained that the US President plays a major role in determining his country's foreign policies, so these policies are often attributed to the names of their presidents. For example, in 1969, President Richard Nixon announced the "Nixon Doctrine," which focused on shifting from direct military intervention to choosing allies supported economically and militarily by the US to be its agents in the world. In the Arab region, the US chose Iran and the Zionist entity to be the guardians of its interests, but both countries are currently causing it trouble.
Al-Obaidi stressed that President Trump's policy aims to restore the United States' status, as he calls for building a military force for deterrence, not for waging wars that drain his army in vain. At the same time, he seeks for the United States to remain the most powerful country economically and technologically to achieve its sovereignty over the world. It is an isolationist trend in terms of its distance from wars, but it is populist, as it puts the interests of the United States first.
The political scientist believes that Trump considers himself a successful businessman, and uses the "deal" method in managing the Arab-Israeli conflict, as he explained in his books. Accordingly, he sees protecting Arab countries as a "service" that these countries must pay for.
She pointed out that Trump is also seeking to support the Zionist entity to regain its strength, after suffering repeated defeats, despite being a costly ally.
Reconstructing the Gaza Strip is an important economic project for the United States
Al-Obaidi believed that the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip is an economic project that the United States should benefit from first, as Trump seeks to be the dominant and primary decision-maker in this project. Therefore, if Arab politics succeeds in affirming its solidarity and rejection of the project to displace Palestinians in Gaza, this step will constitute another defeat for the Zionist project. However, if Egypt and Jordan submit to Trump’s demands, there will be no guarantee of their protection.
She added: "Many people believe that Trump will not abandon the Zionist entity, but I see that it is possible."
She stressed that there are reasons for optimism, including that the US President will be less responsive to the pressures of Zionist lobbies and pressure groups during his second term.
She also explained that Trump is not in agreement with the Prime Minister of the Zionist entity, Benjamin Netanyahu, noting that the entity suffers from many problems internally, and that regionally it is no longer able to claim absolute superiority.
Al-Obaidi concluded her speech by stressing that Trump realizes that achieving his dream of US global supremacy requires the support of Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey.
Carrot and stick strategy to achieve political and economic gains
For his part, Dr. Rifaat Sayed Ahmed, strategic expert and director of the Jaffa Center for Strategic Studies in Cairo, stressed that US President Donald Trump does not decide US foreign policy completely, but rather has only a limited margin of influence not exceeding 20%, while the US deep state remains the real power that controls foreign policy directions, especially in key areas of influence such as Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East.
Sayed Ahmed explained that the deep state, represented by its intelligence agencies and major lobbies, is the one that determines American strategies, while Trump is distinguished by his clarity and noise, but in the end he implements the agenda dictated to him by this system.
He added: "The deep state does not see Trump's impulses as a solution to its problems, but rather relies on the carrot and stick strategy to achieve political and economic gains."
He pointed out that American interests in the region are summarized in supporting Israel, as an advanced American aircraft carrier, in addition to controlling oil and Arab markets, and promoting normalization between Israel and Arab countries.
He pointed out that Trump's policies may be impulsive, but they do not go beyond the limits set for them by the deep state.
Regarding the Palestinian issue, Sayed Ahmed ruled out the success of plans to deport the people of Gaza to Egypt or Jordan, considering that the Palestinian people, despite the pressures and sacrifices, are clinging to their land and will not accept any alternative to their homeland.
The United States is run by moodiness and political dementia.
The writer and political sociology analyst, Dr. Muhammad Najib Bou Taleb from Tunisia, believes that the United States is witnessing a state of political and moral decline, where democracy has become a mere slogan that hides tendencies towards arrogance, individualism, and vanity.
He said: “The greatness that is based on arrogance, boasting and boasting about power, with the collapse of morals, is destined for lies, reneging on commitments and the prevalence of excessive selfishness.”
He added: "This is the state of the United States today, where democracy has become a mere slogan for the facade, hiding behind it many tendencies of arrogance, individualism and vanity."
“The decline in Washington is due to the psychological turmoil of figures who are fighting for fame and seeking financial and media influence,” Bou Taleb added, noting that US President Donald Trump reflects this reality through his contradictory decisions and provocative statements, which are not based on national or civilized principles, but are driven by vengeful motives against domestic and foreign opponents, in addition to his efforts to please his surroundings and supporters during his election campaigns.
Adopting direct threats and intimidation as a diplomatic method
He pointed out that the great state is now being managed in a manner based on moodiness and political dementia, which leads to contradictory positions and the crossing of red lines, through the adoption of direct threats and intimidation as a diplomatic method, which contradicts the traditions of great leaders and the ethics of international politics.
He said: It is a culture that we have not known among senior leaders. We are facing an arrogant type that does not believe in the ethics of politics or the controls of diplomacy.
At the end of his talk to “I”, Bou Taleb stressed that this reality is an inevitable result of the decline in the role of international, regional and humanitarian organizations and bodies in the world today, considering that confronting this arrogant tendency requires unifying the efforts of free and honorable people around the world, and establishing new structures and forces that seek to restore human values and impose the ethics of honest international cooperation.
A populist, isolationist figure seeking personal gain.
In turn, Jordanian political analyst Osama Al-Sharif said: “US President Donald Trump is not an ordinary president, as his last election campaign and first term showed, describing him as a populist, isolationist, demagogic, Machiavellian figure who uses people to serve his personal interests.”
Al-Sharif explained that Trump suffers from persecution complexes and megalomania, which pushes him to make hasty decisions without carefully calculating their consequences, noting that he is narcissistic and hates others, especially minorities, and believes in the superiority of the white man, in addition to his tendency to rule in an authoritarian manner.
He added: "The American electoral system relies on 'dark money', referring to the generous donations made by the wealthy to achieve political, economic or ideological goals, which is what drives Trump to approach businessmen and technology moguls such as Elon Musk to gain their support.
Regarding his relationship with Israel, Al-Sharif stressed that Trump is exploiting his influence to appease major donors, such as the Zionist Miriam Adelson, who provided him with financial support exceeding one hundred million dollars in exchange for pledges to facilitate Israel’s annexation of parts of the West Bank.
Al-Sharif concluded his statement to “I” by saying: President Trump believes that he is a successful businessman and that everything is a commodity that can be bought and sold. He is not concerned with politics as much as money, stressing that his policies are based on the immediate material gains they achieve regardless of their political harm.
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