It is clear that the Americans are confused about which country to expel us to, and it is clear that they have abandoned the idea of deporting us to Indonesia; perhaps to make the deportation process successful, as Indonesia is a distant country, and its climate, food, and language do not resemble our climate, food, or language, and it is better to deport us to our surroundings and environment so that we do not face the strangeness of the place and the loneliness of the time. The Americans have returned once again to the broken record that was presented more than seventy years ago, and it continues to fail to this day, as if we are just tenants, or nomadic Bedouins, or gypsies living on the margins - with all due respect to every human soul that is satisfied with its way of life. Initiatives and ideas of deportation or expulsion are presented to us with the calm of academics, and the advice of psychiatrists, considering expulsion as an internal purifying treatment, and this claim is also presented by spiteful people who see expulsion as a final treatment for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. On the one hand, the occupation is no longer the cause, but rather fate, and it is inevitable and natural. As for us, we are the problem, we are the outsiders, and we are the ones who must pay the price for defeat, globalization, encroachment, and religious extremism. The call for displacement from various parties seems like a reward for the atrocities of occupation, aggression against the global conscience, and shameless violation of international law. These calls for displacement assume that what is befalling us and what we are exposed to is not the work of an agent or a violent oppressive force, but rather more like a fire, flood, drought, or pandemic that is ravaging us, and we must leave in order to avoid or minimize the losses.
The call for displacement ignores the occupier, those who support him, those who supervise him, and those who feed him, and it empowers injustice, aggression, and occupation.
The US President's call for the Arab parties to receive the Palestinian people is a recipe for blowing up the region and igniting it again. It is a call that does not aim for peace or stability. Displacing a people from their entire historical land can only be a cause for new wars. Changing the demographics will inevitably result in a major imbalance that could translate into multiple reactions. Displacement is a regression from settlement initiatives and all the efforts of previous US administrations, a denial of what America itself pledged, a retreat from everything that has been built over decades, and a violation of the world's recognition of our state. It is a demolition and a violation of the hopes and aspirations of the Palestinian people for freedom, dignity, and an end to the occupation. It is also a call to blow up the situation around Israel, which means that Israel will pay the price for that sooner or later. The refugees of 1948 are the ones who founded the Palestine Liberation Organization, and they are the ones with whom Israel agreed on a settlement in 1994.
Lightness, naivety and simplification in dealing with thorny and sensitive issues also lead the person to destruction. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not just a conflict over borders, wealth or influence. It is a deep, extended conflict in which all matters are intertwined: religious, cultural, political, colonial and theological. It is a conflict of East and West, if you like, a conflict of the poor against the rich, if you like, a conflict of good and evil, if you like. The solution cannot be to displace the Palestinian from Gaza, then from the West Bank, and then this dilemma ends. This is a simplicity that borders on stupidity or foolishness.
This call, which completes or perfects the war of extermination, strikes deeply at the concept of Palestinian identity with all its cultural, geographical and struggle implications. This call will hurt our brothers in Jordan and Egypt, and will also make our brothers in Saudi Arabia reconsider their positions. Displacement does not only lead to the destruction of the Palestinian state, but also strengthens the occupation’s positions and improves its positions in a way that exempts it from providing solutions that qualify it to integrate into the region, unless America wants Israel to trade peace for much less than peace. Displacement - finally - is a solution at the expense of the Palestinian people, their rights, history and future. By the way, it will not stop with us, but may extend to other regions. Israeli media outlets have begun to talk about it and about it with great impudence. Are we really on the threshold of an Israeli-American era that will reconstruct the entire region?!
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They treat the issue of displacement as if it were a charitable act.