Give me a people from the world's peoples who can live in a geographical area, the size of the West Bank, which you can normally travel from north to south by car in 4 hours. This distance is in the shadow of 900 gates and military checkpoints that besiege the West Bank and cut it off geographically and demographically, 146 of which were built after October 7, 2023, and 17 of which were built since the beginning of this year. Today, you need a week of travel. It is enough for you to travel to seven European countries, without it being stored in your memory. Is it possible for you to return to your home? Or will you remain suspicious that the occupation soldiers stationed at the checkpoints might close it and tell you to go back where you came from, and any discussion with these arrogant and spiteful people might cost you your life.
These barriers and gates, which now require the creation of special pages on groups or social networking sites, about the status of those gates and barriers, which want to "tame" your mind and awareness, so that you can control and organize your life according to the times of their opening and closing, and they not only violate your dignity, kill your humanity, and make you feel that an animal has more value than you, and that you are required to die alive as a Palestinian, and to get used to humiliation and degradation, without complaining or grumbling, these are soldiers and guards of "God's chosen people", they have the right to do anything to you, and your life is worthless to them, and if they shoot you and kill you, the accusation is ready, an attempted stabbing or running over, and the masters of the Black House in Washington are ready to adopt their narrative and promote it and defend it.
Worse still, if you are going to cross the crossing or the checkpoint on foot, you are forced to pass through revolving barriers, similar to “chicken coops”, controlled by soldiers and security men filled with hatred and malice, so that you are searched manually and electronically with a “magnometer”, and your passage is subject to the mood of the officer or soldier, and it is very easy for him to tell you to “go back”, meaning go back, and any argument or refusal could cost you your life by being shot, or exposing yourself to detention or arrest.
There are workers, employees and even students who go out in the early hours of dawn, hoping to reach their work, jobs, educational and health institutions, or for treatment, but they fail to reach them on time, despite the hours of waiting that go on and on, extending for long hours, or upon reaching the checkpoint, it is suddenly closed, after hearts have reached throats, and have become on the verge of an internal explosion, the result of psychological pressure that humans cannot bear.
I believe that this is consistent with the vision, convictions, concepts, and sayings of lies, deception, fraud, and misleading that the Americans and the colonial Western countries are trying to promote, about freedom, democracy, justice, human rights, the right to move, the right to worship, and the right to access hospitals and medical centers for treatment. However, because the Palestinians, according to the theories of “aggressive” and “savage” capitalist globalization, are among the peoples that the theorists of globalized capitalist thought, from Fukuyama and his book on “The End of History,” say that capitalism in its highest imperialist phase is “the highest degree of civilization, humanity, and development.” The owner of the same theory, idea, position, narrative, and story is Samuel Hemington in his book on “The Clash of Civilizations,” who sees us and the peoples of the Third World as barbaric and savage peoples who cannot be civilized, and therefore God granted them, according to the Talmudic, biblical, and Christian, Anglican, Zionist thought, the right to exterminate us and get rid of us, so that security, stability, and peace may prevail. In the world, we as Palestinians are not like the Ukrainian people. Our eyes are not blue, our skin is not white, and our hair is not blond, so that they would rush to America and the colonial West to stand by our side and prevent our extermination and killing. Rather, they would send all kinds of their weapons in order to finish us off, believing in the divine promise that we must be gotten rid of.
I think that our people do not only deserve the name of the people of giants, but they are the people of giants. Imagine when the livelihood of the Palestinian is restricted, and he is denied a work permit, which he is forced to obtain from the occupying state, in order to reach his place of work or job in Jerusalem or inside Palestine - 48 - or Israeli institutions and various Israeli economic sectors, you find him gambling and risking his life, in order to provide food for hungry mouths, waiting for him to feed them and milk, and so he climbs the apartheid walls that are more than 8 meters high and surrounded by barbed wire, and on them are cameras and watchtowers, and military patrols that conduct continuous patrols around this wall, and whoever you see climbing this wall, or succeeding in crossing it, is exposed to being shot at, and in the best of cases, arrested, and subjected to severe beatings.
These gates and barriers, called death ambushes, have increased and multiplied, by a decision of the occupation’s Finance Minister Smotrich, and with the approval of Netanyahu and former Minister of War Galant, under the pretext of protecting the settlers and the settlement roads. This means disrupting the lives of the Palestinians, and crowding them at the barriers and roads for long periods of time, and the resulting psychological pressure, and a malicious occupation attempt to transfer this suffering and torment to internal fighting and disputes between the Palestinians themselves, where the long wait and prevention makes a person lose his temper and lose his nerves.
Give me a people capable of enduring all this suffering that the Palestinian people are experiencing, under the checkpoints and gates of death, and under the “savagery” and “encroachment” of the settlers and herds of settlers out of control, practicing all forms of oppression and abuse against the Palestinian people, throughout the length and breadth of the West Bank, killing and wounding citizens, closing roads, burning homes and property and even places of worship, cutting down trees and stealing crops, seizing lands and establishing settlement outposts.
I wish that US President Trump, his leadership and the colonial Western European leaderships would come to live the tragedies and suffering of the Palestinian people for just one day, free from their tendency towards superiority and racial superiority and their Zionism that is superior to the leaders of Zionism themselves.
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Gates and barriers of oppression, humiliation and violation of dignity