US President Trump's threat to release the kidnapped Israelis or else hell awaits the Middle East in general and the Gaza Strip in particular confirms:
▪︎ Continuing the policy of blind bias and absolute, unlimited support for the Israeli entity and its aggressive, expansionist policy.
▪︎ A reflection of his sadistic and dictatorial outlook and strategy in dealing with militarily weak countries in contradiction and duplicity with previous statements about ending wars in the world and establishing peace in the Middle East.
▪︎ Subjecting the world to his policy under threat of destruction, relying on the principle of brute force to ensure America’s influence, hegemony and interests.
▪︎ Disregarding the United Nations Charter, its principles, objectives, and international law, in an abdication and evasion of its responsibilities as a superpower with permanent membership in the Security Council to work to consolidate international peace and security and save humanity from the scourge of wars.
Why the threat and belittlement?
The American threat is not new to the Arab region with its borders and vast geography, but the explicit and public Trumpian language and style was not familiar. American pressures on the leaders of countries were done behind the scenes and in the language of enticement and intimidation. This change is due to many factors and reasons, including:
First: President Trump’s personality, his financial standing, and his style of dealing with his employees using the language of command, and transferring this style in his dealings with Third World leaders to impose his policy and blackmail him to plunder wealth in particular.
Second: The absence of a parallel global pole for decades, which enabled America to impose its leadership and hegemony alone on the global stage.
Third: The absence of a broad axis consisting of the majority of member states in the United Nations General Assembly that are harmed by American policy, working to impose its interests and security by adopting a unified position that confronts American plans and policy. The absence of practical coordination between the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the African Union countries, and the Non-Aligned Movement countries, and the sufficiency of issuing statements without any practical step accompanying them, is only evidence of this.
Fourth: The acceptance of the overwhelming majority of the members of the General Assembly, despite its rights, to impose its interests, security and territorial integrity by upholding the supremacy of international law, establishing the principle of equality and justice among all countries, and implementing international resolutions without duplication and selectivity, in its decorative role, subordinate to and dominated by the five permanent member states of the Security Council, contrary to the principles and objectives of the United Nations.
Fifth: Acceptance, out of weakness or fear, of not taking the initiative to impose sanctions and measures stipulated in the United Nations Charter against rogue states that refuse to abide by their duties, such as Israel, as a member state, and not to endanger international peace and security by occupying the territory of another state and violating its obligations to undertake to implement relevant international resolutions. The continued refusal of the Israeli colonial entity to end its occupation of the territories of the occupied Palestinian state, which is internationally recognized, in implementation of hundreds of resolutions issued by the Security Council and the General Assembly, as a result of the absence of work to oblige the Security Council to assume its responsibilities, which acts as an agent for the General Assembly in implementing its resolutions without selectivity, is nothing but the existing model of this weakness in the face of the dominance of one or more of the permanent member states of the Security Council through the use of the veto, contrary to the goal of including it in the United Nations Charter.
Sixth: The absence of global reactions condemning, denouncing, denouncing and rejecting Trump’s statements, which indicate a complete undermining of international peace, starting with the Arab countries.
This disdain and threat requires the leaders of the Arab countries to stand up to it seriously. The statements issued and issued by American leaders and their Israeli agent about changing the map of the Middle East mean not only extending dominance, influence and control over the joints of political, economic, military, security and technological decision-making, but also means redrawing a new map for the countries of the Middle East by dividing them into ethnic, racial, sectarian and religious states that guarantee America its influence and dominance for decades to come in anticipation of the birth of a multipolar world order. What is currently happening in Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Libya, Iraq and Palestine is only an indication of that.
Will the security, unity, stability and renaissance of the Arab nation and its countries remain dependent on the satisfaction of Republican or Democratic America, or both?
Isn't it time to realize the danger of accepting and submitting to the schemes of foreign powers, whether regional or international?
It is time to confront collectively and with a unified position to reject Trump's statements and his orientations towards the Arab countries and his continued blind bias towards the Israeli colonial entity, which represents the greatest danger to the security and stability of the Arab countries, starting with the countries surrounding occupied Palestine. The map published in recent days by the Israeli Foreign Ministry targeting the Arab countries neighboring Palestine is nothing but evidence of the danger of the aggressive colonial expansionist plan.
America's interests in the greater Arab homeland are greater than its interests with it, which requires and calls for the leaders of countries to move in dealing with America to the square of counter-action in order to preserve its stability and sovereignty by building a relationship based on the exchange of interests without subordination and domination. Here lies the importance of separating the nature of the Arab-American relationship and not linking it, as America seeks in any way, to the relationship with the rogue Israeli occupation authorities that refuse to comply with international laws and implement international resolutions, but rather to the conditions of its acceptance as a state in the United Nations and a source of threat to Arab national security. The war of extermination and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and a new Israeli occupation of Syrian and Lebanese lands are only an example of the danger looming over all Arabs and Muslims.
Palestine, its freedom, and supporting the steadfastness of its people and their struggle for freedom and independence, and the establishment of their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, is the title, compass, and beginning for bringing about the desired renaissance towards protecting comprehensive Arab national security.
America's interests in the greater Arab world are greater than its interests with it, which requires and calls for the leaders of countries to move in dealing with America to the square of counter-action in order to preserve its stability and sovereignty by building a relationship based on the exchange of interests without subordination and domination.
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The Arab world between Trump's hell and revival?