As the criminal war against the Palestinian people continues everywhere, Israel has undisputedly topped the list of “child killers,” in light of its insistence on continuing its aerial and artillery bombardment, which targets defenseless civilians on a daily basis.
The largest Israeli target bank in the war is children. Every day, one child after another is killed, raising the number of child martyrs to more than 15,000, who were victims of a frenzied Israeli attack aimed at taking revenge on our people.
Children constitute 44 percent of the Palestinian people, as Israel forced about 50,000 of them to live without parents, in addition to a large percentage of the disabled and injured, whom Israel robbed of the joy of their childhood, which was destroyed in the midst of this huge volcano of attacks and breaches.
The killing of children is not limited to one geographical area or another. It is a policy at the highest military ranks, and the army has no choice but to implement it. The latest of these is the assassination of two children in an air strike by an aircraft on a site in Tamoun, which led to the death of one of the young men and the two children.
Killings are not the only thing that leads to many deaths among children. In addition to arrests, the children of Gaza have experienced real hunger, which has claimed the lives of dozens due to malnutrition and dehydration. As a result of the siege, newborns have not been spared from the struggle to stay alive, amid the challenges of pregnant mothers from malnutrition and the lack of vaccines, and thus the spread of diseases widely.
In addition to all of the above, with the arrival of winter, the children of Gaza are dying from the cold and the drop in their body temperatures, while living in difficult conditions that have led to the freezing and death of a large number of them, in one of the most severe forms of human suffering, which means the seriousness of the crisis that the Strip is suffering from.
With the calls of the International Red Cross to deliver humanitarian aid safely and without obstacles to the Gaza Strip, we stress the necessity of providing all the necessities of life to the Palestinians in the Strip, especially children, and providing them with the basic necessities of life, including health and food services, and stopping targeting them and making them pay the highest price in this fierce war.
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Children pay a heavy price in war