

Mon 06 Jan 2025 9:09 am - Jerusalem Time

Reading the project to execute the future of Gaza

At first glance, the horror of the genocidal crimes committed by the Israeli army against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip over the past fifteen months makes it legitimate to say that genocidal Israel is implementing a project whose national goal is to destroy the future of Gaza.

But reading the crimes being committed from the perspective of the concept of Palestinian national security, as well as the Israeli one, makes the concept of future executions a fallacy that involves exaggeration, perhaps unintended.

From an existential philosophical perspective, it is about time, and time always flows towards the future, which means that the annihilation of the future is impossible as long as there is time flowing towards the future. The famous German philosopher Martin Heidegger, who is considered one of the most prominent philosophers of the twentieth century and one of the founders of existential philosophy, discussed in his book “Being and Time” the relationship between man and time and how he understands time and the future.

From an Islamic religious perspective, the idea of destroying the future and surrendering creation and servants to it is completely rejected, because hope, work and change are part of the belief in the fact that man or all of creation cannot destroy the future, because God Almighty is the one who owns time, and His servants cannot control its course. Rather, they must work in their present to improve their future, which means the afterlife, where man will be rewarded for his deeds in this world, as God Almighty said: “And this worldly life is not but amusement and diversion. And indeed, the home of the Hereafter - that is the life, if they only knew.” (Al-Ankabut 64).

From the perspective of Palestinian national security, despite the Palestinians’ failure to develop a unified concept of their national security and make it the regulatory tool for determining their strategies and policies, the youngest Palestinians realize that the first national goal that protects their national security is to get rid of the criminal settler colonialism that has gone beyond being described as apartheid and has moved to the stage of genocide. The crimes of genocide that are being carried out against them in the shadow of the suspicious silence of those near and far, and despite their high prices, evoke from within them their determination and insistence on defeating the criminals and their partners through their steadfastness and insistence on creating a better future.

From the perspective of the Israeli national security concept, and specifically according to the Israeli national security equation that was developed based on the concept, national goals are what determine the means according to national capabilities. Accordingly, “killing the future of Gaza” through the use of weapons and explosives carrying toxic materials to poison the soil of Gaza, and transforming it into an area unfit for human life and repelling its residents, involves stupidity in applying the equation of the national security of the state, because in that there is “killing the future” of Israel, especially the areas adjacent to the Gaza Strip from the east and north. On the other hand, the toxins of the soil of Gaza become a danger to the army that seems to be preparing and getting ready to remain in Gaza for a long time, in addition to the fact that the soil of Gaza becomes unsuitable for the plans of the national right and the settlers to settle in Gaza, as they announce morning and evening.

The devastated state of Gaza evokes the historical model of Carthage and the Romans, where the former was the most prominent obstacle, while the Roman Empire imposed its control over Africa, which prompted the Romans to cultivate the Tunisian land of Carthage with salt after occupying it in 146 BC to force its resistant inhabitants to leave. However, the Roman Empire disappeared from history, and Carthage remained present and inhabited, its land suitable for agriculture, and a symbol of global culture.

Regarding the treatment of the rubble of the destroyed Gaza, it is the main challenge, not only for the Palestinians, but for the unjust world before the Palestinians, as it is the one required to treat this greatest challenge facing a world whose ugliness has been exposed by the crime and the falsehood of the values on which it claims to be based.

As for the role of the Palestinians in this treatment, I recommend in this article that the Palestinians insist on keeping part of the rubble and the remains of the martyrs and survivors in a specific area of the small area of Gaza, and transforming this area into a museum, a shrine and a witness to the Jewish-Israeli crime, and an incentive and motivation to increase human determination to punish the criminals, and to do what is necessary to prevent its recurrence in the future, which cannot be executed, just as is the role of the Auschwitz camp in Poland and the Holocaust Museum in Washington.


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Reading the project to execute the future of Gaza