Sun 06 Oct 2024 8:11 am - Jerusalem Time

A year after the genocide, the Palestinian issue... where to?

Suleiman Basharat: The war of extermination, despite its tragedy, pushed the Palestinian cause from being a local colonial conflict to an international issue

Ahmed Zakarneh: The possibility of ending the tragedy in Gaza does not seem close, and Netanyahu is exploiting the ongoing war to maintain his rule

Samah Khalifa: Hamas realized that it failed to rely on “unity of arenas” and that Iran did not provide sufficient support

Daoud Kuttab: The ongoing genocidal war has created unprecedented awareness of the Palestinian cause on a global level

Adnan Al-Sabah: For the first time, the Palestinian issue has become part of an “international situation” that supports the resistance against American hegemony

A year ago, specifically on the 7th of October 2023, people woke up to an act of resistance that they had never seen before, when a combat formation from the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, managed to penetrate the fortifications and electronic walls and enter many settlements and important military headquarters, after paving the way for this with an intensive missile bombardment, which constituted an unprecedented shock and surprise for the occupying state.

Despite the lack of all the details surrounding the qualitative storming operation carried out by the Al-Qassam Brigades, whether the real planned goal of the operation or the events and developments that accompanied it, the occupying state considered what happened to be a crossing of all red lines and an existential threat to it, so it rushed to launch an aggressive war of unprecedented brutality, in which all the elements of a war of extermination were embodied, from killings that claimed about 41 thousand martyrs, in addition to those missing under the rubble, and more than a hundred thousand wounded, in addition to detainees whose number has not yet been determined, and the massive destruction of homes, buildings, official headquarters, universities, schools, infrastructure and all the necessities of life, and the displacement of more than 70 percent of the people of the Strip from their homes to live in extremely harsh and miserable conditions.

However, all these woes and crimes against humanity were not enough for real action by the international community to stop them and put an end to them, despite the issuance of decisions by international bodies and courts. The Israeli occupation state continued to commit daily massacres and operations of starvation and displacement as if it were a state above all international laws, as long as the United States provided it with political and diplomatic cover, and opened its stores of the latest lethal weapons and missiles to rain them down on safe citizens in their homes and even in shelters, including tents and schools that fly the flag of the International Relief Agency (UNRWA).

In separate interviews with “I”, writers, analysts and political researchers believe that the war of extermination on Gaza has now taken on international dimensions that may contribute to reshaping the global political system, with the Palestinian issue transforming from a local issue into a global crisis with repercussions on international stability.

The writers, analysts and researchers said that despite the suffering experienced by the Palestinians, the Palestinian issue has become an important turning point on the international level, and that the war was not only a human tragedy, but a pivotal stage that may determine the future of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict for decades to come.

Profound effects on the political and cultural levels

Writer and political analyst Suleiman Basharat said that the ongoing Israeli war of extermination on the Gaza Strip, which has completed its first year, may create a new reality that goes beyond the military and field dimensions, to include profound effects on the political and cultural levels, not only with regard to the Palestinian issue and the Arab region, but also with regard to the regional and international dimensions.

Basharat believes that this war may lead to changes in the international system similar to what happened after the events of September 11 and the invasion of Iraq, and perhaps to a greater and deeper extent.

Basharat pointed out that the conflict, in its beginnings, was only related to the colonial situation between the Palestinians and Israel, and was limited to military confrontations, but now it has expanded to become an international conflict over hegemony, energy, wealth, and even human existence.

Basharat pointed out that the acceleration of the current war may affect vital sectors such as oil and economic capabilities, making them part of the broader international conflict over energy sources and resources.

Conflict management and legitimization

On the other hand, Basharat said: The political efforts and international initiatives to contain the situation in Gaza or Lebanon, up until now, seem to only seek to manage the conflict and legitimize it, without finding a final solution to end the war. The United States and Israel believe that the current international circumstances are in their interest to reshape the region politically in a manner consistent with their international strategic interests.

Basharat added: “The war of extermination, despite its tragedy, pushed the Palestinian cause from being a local colonial conflict to an international issue that concerns the entire world, as it is clear that the continued Israeli occupation of Palestine is one of the causes of regional and international instability.”

Basharat believes that this development may lead to international attempts similar to what happened in South Africa, when international powers felt responsible for ending racial oppression there. It is possible that the countries of the world will be forced in the coming stage to adopt visions that give the Palestinians their basic rights and open up a horizon of hope for the future.

The international political system has failed the test of its principles and values.

Regarding the performance of the international community during the year of the war of extermination, Basharat pointed out that there were two main objections: First, the Arab and Islamic presence seemed noticeably absent, as it did not provide the vision or sufficient efforts to end the tragedy of the Palestinian people.

The second objection, according to Basharat, is that the international political system has failed to test the principles and values that it has always promoted regarding the protection of oppressed peoples. The international community, with its various institutions, has not succeeded in ending the suffering of the Palestinians or providing effective solutions that end the war and guarantee their rights.

Basharat believes that the major transformations that may result from this war may reshape the international system and force everyone to reconsider the equations of power and hegemony, including the major powers that seek to impose their will in the region.

The war on Gaza did not achieve its declared goals

For his part, writer and political researcher Ahmed Zakarna said: The ongoing war on the Gaza Strip, which began a year ago, did not achieve the declared goals sought by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but in return, undeclared goals were achieved, including turning Gaza into an “unlivable” area, and effectively reoccupying the Strip.

He added: In the West Bank, Israel continues its absolute control over the land, and is trying to implement a plan to create an environment that repels the population, within the project of Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich called the "Decisive Plan."

Zakarna stressed that Israel is not satisfied with controlling the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, but has begun to expand its expansionist ambitions in the region, as there are moves towards other arenas to expand the scope of the conflict, which means increasing threats against the countries of the region.

Zakarna continued: "This expansion is part of Israel's efforts to impose its hegemony over the region more broadly."

Zakarna believes that despite the tragedies resulting from the war, the Palestinian cause has achieved important accomplishments on the international political and diplomatic levels, as the world has witnessed an increase in popular and public awareness and solidarity with the Palestinians.

Zakarneh pointed out that the possibility of ending the tragedy and stopping the war on Gaza does not seem close, noting that Netanyahu is exploiting the continuation of the war as an opportunity to maintain his rule and remain in power, especially in light of the internal political crises he is facing.

Netanyahu is waging a creeping and escalating war in the region

Zakarneh pointed out that Netanyahu's involvement in the US elections in favor of former President Donald Trump further complicates the situation, as Netanyahu is waging a "creeping and escalating" war in the region, without an official announcement of it, and is working to achieve a balance that allows him to avoid admitting that the conflict has become regional, despite its expansion.

Zakarneh pointed out that the real management of affairs in the United States is not in the hands of President Joe Biden's administration, but rather is managed by what is known as the "deep state" that controls American decision-making.

In light of these developments, Zakarna stressed that what is currently happening does not indicate any horizon for a two-state solution, which means the failure of international efforts to achieve peace in the region.

On the other hand, Zakarna said that one of the most prominent negative points that are being taken against the Palestinians in light of this war is the continuation of the state of internal division among the Palestinians, which weakens the ability to confront the occupation with a unified front.

Zakarna pointed out that the idea of October 7, which carried the symbolism of steadfastness and resistance, achieved gains at the international level, but at the same time it lost the Gaza Strip in the context of goals linked to the so-called "Axis of Resistance", led by Iran, which seeks to achieve its own gains within regional and international equations.

Israel suffers unprecedented losses

In turn, writer and political analyst Samah Khalifa said: The Israeli war on Gaza, which began a year ago, did not achieve the declared goals set by the Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel was unable to destroy the civilian infrastructure of Hamas, nor did it succeed in eliminating its military capabilities, or releasing the Israeli detainees in the Gaza Strip. It also failed to restore security in the southern regions. On the other hand, Israel suffered unprecedented losses in this longest war in its history.

Khalifa pointed out that Israel resorted to escalating its targeting by assassinating leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah and committed crimes of genocide against civilians, but these attacks did not affect the structure of the resistance. On the contrary, they increased its strength and steadfastness, and mobilized greater popular support. Solidarity with the resistance was strengthened, especially after the martyrdom of field commanders who were accused of being far from the battlefield, which dropped those accusations.

Khalifa pointed out that peoples who believe in an idea and a doctrine are steadfastly confronting Netanyahu's wrong decisions, considering that these decisions cause serious damage to Israel's national security and the lives of Israelis.

Khalifa believes that the continuation of the war will only lead to more losses for Israel, as the balance of profit and loss differs between the Palestinians and the Israelis. While the Palestinians have been living with many losses since their catastrophe in 1948, they are trying to preserve their dignity and humanity.

Netanyahu's deterrence may come from the Israeli street

Khalifa said that the real deterrent to Netanyahu may come from within the Israeli street itself, which may pressure the political establishment to stop this war.

Khalifa touched on Hamas's assessment of the situation a year after the war, noting that the movement realized that it had failed to rely on the so-called "rules of engagement" and "unity of arenas," and that it was nothing more than a resistance movement against an army that possessed destructive power, especially since it was equipped with an unlimited American arsenal.

Khalifa pointed out that Hamas realized that the alliance with Iran did not provide sufficient support as expected, as Tehran and Hezbollah did not provide what they provided in previous wars, such as those that supported the survival of the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria.

She explained that Iran remained far from providing sufficient pressure on Israel, and was unable to stop or reduce the pace of the war of extermination being waged on Gaza.

On the international scene, Khalifa pointed out that Israel is facing an unprecedented diplomatic and legal campaign, which shows that it is waging a multi-dimensional war. Israel has lost its status as a victim in the eyes of the international community, after it became seen as a state committing crimes of genocide against the Palestinians, after it had appeared as a colonial, racist and aggressive state in the guise of democracy and freedom. In the war of extermination, Israel appeared indifferent to its image in public opinion, nor to international and humanitarian standards and conventions.

The image of the "invincible" army is shattered

Khalifa pointed out that the image of the "invincible" Israeli army has been severely damaged in the Gaza Strip, as the army appears unable to achieve its goals in a small, closed area, despite its great military capabilities supported by an American arsenal.

On the other hand, Khalifa pointed out that Israel has been turned upside down after it was no longer the safe haven for Jews as it was before, but rather became a threat to their security, which led to an unprecedented Jewish immigration movement.

Khalifa pointed out that segments of Jews abroad condemned Israel's brutal practices against the Palestinians, and considered that Israel has become a financial and moral burden on the world, especially the Western countries that protect and support it, after its image became clear as a religious, Jewish, and dictatorial state that tries to undermine the judicial authority, and its absolute dependence on the United States of America for its protection and support. In contrast, the Israeli war of extermination led to the strengthening of international sympathy with the Palestinians, and support for their demand for the establishment of an independent state for them.

She added: Despite Netanyahu's attempts to market what he calls "achievements" through the new annexation policy after October 7, and the establishment of illegal agricultural settlement outposts in the West Bank, in preparation for settlement outposts as civilian living neighborhoods, and linking them to paved roads, water networks and infrastructure, they failed to convince the Israelis of the possibility of settling in them under these unsafe conditions created by the war, so the achievements remained illusory, with which Netanyahu tries to convince the street of his achievements.

The steadfastness of the resistance and international popular pressure to stop the aggression

Khalifa said: “Apart from the negotiations, agreements and clauses that Israel obstructs every time, the war will not end without the steadfastness of the resistance in Gaza and Lebanon, and without international popular pressure to stop the Israeli aggression, as well as without pressure from Israeli society, which has come to realize that Netanyahu is leading Israel into a muddy quagmire from which it will not emerge unscathed.”

On the other hand, Khalifa confirmed that “the Palestinian people have become more aware that peaceful resistance has only brought them humiliation, shame, and more deprivation of rights, especially in the West Bank. Therefore, the resistance has witnessed a remarkable development in various forms, including individual armed operations and formations present in the northern West Bank in the form of battalions and groups. The Palestinian factions have returned to carrying out special operations while adopting this, as happened in the recent Hebron operations and the bombing operation in Tel Aviv in early September, in addition to the heavy and light explosive devices that intercept the occupation army during its incursions into the Palestinian territories. The targeting of settlers and the occupation army has also escalated with organized and individual shooting operations in public streets.”

Khalifa pointed out the Arab silence towards what is happening, and that the Arabs are unaware that Netanyahu's plan will affect the entire region, as Netanyahu's repeated provocations against Iran and its allies aim to target Iran's nuclear facilities, which in turn will target Israel's facilities, and this will lead to American intervention, and ignite a regional war, thus igniting the region from the Mediterranean to the Arabian Gulf, erasing the Palestinians from the geographical and political map, and changing the shape of the entire region while expanding its areas of control.

Revealing the true positions of some international parties

Writer and political analyst Daoud Kuttab believes that “the war of extermination that has been ongoing for a year in the Palestinian territories has produced an unprecedented awareness of the Palestinian cause on the global level,” noting that “this shift came as a result of the tragedies witnessed by the region, which prompted the East and the West, with all their political spectrums from right to left, to pay attention to the Palestinian cause.”

The writers pointed out that "the most important category in this growing awareness are youth and university students around the world."

The writers confirmed the existence of what they described as a "heavy price", which included exposing the true positions of some international parties. He considered that there are those who claim to defend human rights or independent and credible media, and also those who claim to defend Arab issues and the rights of peoples, but their positions have become shamefully clear, especially in the ruling circles in many countries around the world.

Writers pointed out that there were exceptions, and specifically mentioned the positions of some European countries, such as Spain, Ireland, and Slovenia, which clearly supported Palestinian rights, in addition to the great movement witnessed by American universities and others.

Netanyahu Aspires to Strike Iran and Trump's Return

Regarding the Israeli situation, writers said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems to be clinging to the dream of former US President Donald Trump returning and striking Iran, which could keep the crisis burning until the US elections scheduled for November 5.

Despite the possibility of reaching a ceasefire, writers stressed that the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories will not return to what it was, and that the tragedy will not end easily.

The writers stressed that the bloody conflict achieved some political and popular gains for the Palestinian cause, pointing to the change in world public opinion in favor of the Palestinians, but they warned that the price was very high, especially at the level of lives and people's lives, and in particular the profound psychological effects on children.

Writers pointed out that the "Israeli sadism" practiced by the occupation forces, and the absence of any moral controls or laws governing their behavior, have been exposed to the world, and double standards have also appeared in many countries in the East and West, and also among Arabs and Muslims.

Fragmenting the idea of "unity of arenas"

Writer and political analyst Adnan Al-Sabah believes that Israel and the United States are currently moving towards goals greater than the Gaza Strip, as they seek to fragment the idea of “unity of arenas” among the axis of resistance. This strategy aims to distract each arena of resistance with its own internal issues, in an attempt to distance it from solidarity and integration with the comprehensive Palestinian cause.

Al-Sabah pointed out that the first anniversary of the October 7 war may come either with a victory for the Palestinian resistance or with a special commemoration for Israel and its allies if they succeed in getting rid of their military and political failure.

Al-Sabah explained that the chances of stopping the war on Gaza quickly are almost non-existent unless new international alliances are formed between the major countries, noting that if the United States finds itself facing a new reality in the Middle East, it will be forced to search for solutions that prevent the formation of broader alliances that bring together Russia, China, and the axis of resistance.

October 7 achieved great gains for the Palestinian cause

Al-Sabah pointed out that these potential alliances may pose a greater threat to American interests in the region, which will prompt Washington to move to contain this geopolitical shift.

Al-Sabah expressed his belief that the October 7 war achieved great gains for the Palestinian cause, as the resistance succeeded in emerging from the "failure of 1948" for the first time in its history, and the Palestinian resistance was able to form a real and cohesive alliance that proved its ability to fight and withstand the Israeli occupation within a year.

He added: "For the first time, the Palestinian cause has become part of an 'international case' that supports the Palestinian resistance against American hegemony, which he considers a very important development for the future of the Palestinian cause."

He added, "For the first time in our history, we have witnessed complete steadfastness despite a year of war, despite the enormous sacrifices and the ongoing humanitarian tragedy."

But at the same time, Al-Sabah confirms the existence of weaknesses that emerged after a year of war, most notably the absence of an official Palestinian role in unifying the Palestinian people and leading them towards a unified strategy.

Al-Sabah stresses the need to implement the "Beijing Declaration", which indicates the importance of strengthening the unity of the Palestinian position on the local and international arenas.


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A year after the genocide, the Palestinian issue... where to?