

Sun 01 Sep 2024 9:42 am - Jerusalem Time

The West Bank is about to explode..!

For years, “Urgent Title” has been at the forefront of news bulletins in all Israeli media outlets, attributed to intelligence agencies.

While there is nothing in people’s lives, despite their difficulty and harshness, to indicate this, the news fabricated in the circles of darkness only implies the knowledge of those circles of what will be formed in terms of reactions to the crimes and procedures that are expected to be planned, and which are likely to elicit responses that will lead to the situation exploding and getting out of control.

In all the harsh past experiences that the people of the West Bank have lived through, the occupation and the settlers were the first to ignite the fuse, with provocations in Al-Aqsa, or commit massacres, such as those that occurred against worshippers in the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, in the early nineties of the last century, and were referred, like the burning of Al-Aqsa, to mentally ill patients, and other crimes that explode widespread anger, in which those parties find an opportunity to implement their programs of killing, arrest, and abuse and to justify the desires for control and Judaization, and everything they do to change the facts, as happened when the Ibrahimi Mosque was divided after that horrific massacre.

In Jenin camp, which is crowded with about 20,000 refugees, in an area of no more than half a square kilometer, there is talk of “fierce battles” and “battle axes” that are no larger than a bedroom, in a neighborhood where young men who believe in their God and their country are defending their homes and the thresholds of their houses that are being bombed by drones, and whose walls and streets are being gnawed at by bulldozers.

One of the latest rumours spread by the Israeli propaganda machine to justify its use of brutal force in bombing residential areas over the heads of their residents, as is happening in the Gaza Strip, is the promotion of the use by those defending their people, with the light weapons available to them, of shoulder-fired missiles, which is denied by the facts on the ground.

It is wise not to be delighted or carried away by the lies and leaks distributed by the Shin Bet, which aim to demonize and justify expanding the massacre by removing the humanitarian cover from the victim, as is the case in the Gaza Strip.

Our strongest weapon is the weapon of life. We live it as long as we can.


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The West Bank is about to explode..!