Fri 26 Jul 2024 10:03 pm - Jerusalem Time

International newspapers: Netanyahu's rhetoric will not garner support without resolving the Gaza crisis

International newspapers focused on the repercussions of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech in the US Congress and his pressure on the White House to approve a specific list of weapons in the upcoming presidential elections.

The British newspaper "The Times" saw that Netanyahu has resorted for decades to giving a speech in Congress when he was facing a decline in the voting rate, noting that the speech did not provide satisfactory answers to those wondering about victory in the Gaza war and the accompanying threats.

It pointed out that "the most difficult thing Netanyahu will have to face after his trip to Washington is the Israeli public, which is accustomed to his speeches."

In the same context, the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" said that Netanyahu's rhetoric will not garner support for Israel without a final solution to the crisis in Gaza, adding that "Netanyahu's words have no weight since he is in no hurry to release the prisoners and continues to refuse to discuss a clear plan for the day after the war in Gaza."

The newspaper stressed that the Israelis are more interested in the return of the prisoners and the end date of the war, not Netanyahu's popularity at home.

On the Israeli-American relations front, Politico revealed pressure on the administration of US President Joe Biden by the delegation accompanying Netanyahu during his visit to Washington to agree to provide Israel with a specific list of weapons.

According to the newspaper, Israel is trying to boost its transfer operations and weapons stockpile before the presidential elections, and quoted a source familiar with the weapons list as saying that Israel is concerned about the possibility of a greater confrontation with the Lebanese Hezbollah.

In turn, the French newspaper Le Monde said in its editorial that Biden has a good chance to save the two-state solution and fight forcefully against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank after announcing that he will not run for the upcoming elections.

Biden has a historic opportunity to match his words with his actions, according to the newspaper, especially since the extremist policy pursued by the ruling coalition in Israel is in stark contrast to the official US position.

As for the American newspaper, The New York Times, it focused on a British study that concluded that the death toll and injuries provided by the Ministry of Health in Gaza during the first weeks of the war are credible.

Source: American Press + Israeli Press + British Press + French Press


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International newspapers: Netanyahu's rhetoric will not garner support without resolving the Gaza crisis