Tue 16 Jul 2024 8:22 am - Jerusalem Time

Netanyahu fights and evades by committing massacres to avoid concluding a deal that stops his war on Gaza

Dr.. Ahmed Rafiq Awad: Stopping the war drops Netanyahu’s lies about “absolute victory” and eliminating Hamas
 Antoine Shalhat: Netanyahu is waiting for Trump to restore the “golden age” in US-Israeli relations
 Nihad Abu Ghosh: Netanyahu is seeking to buy time to avoid early elections and the emergence of a new phase in America
 Elif Sabbagh: Netanyahu relies on force to resolve the conflict, which is a doctrine adopted by fascist leaders

Political writers and analysts have confirmed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying in various ways to avoid entering into negotiations to conclude a deal with Hamas that would lead to stopping his frantic war on the Gaza Strip, because he considers this a strategic defeat for Israel, leading to the collapse of its image in the region, and stopping the war and negotiating They shoot down his lies about “absolute victory,” which will lead to his trial and the end of his political career.

In this context, it is possible to understand Netanyahu's political evasions and games, not caring about what his army is facing in the field, and his state on the international arena, in terms of an unprecedented exposure of its brutal image, as he continues to demonstrate his hard-line stance on the issue of stopping the war on Gaza, and the negotiations with the Hamas movement, in an attempt to evade... From any potential deal, and at the same time seeking to buy time and prolong the war, to avoid the prices it will pay internally and globally.

Writers and analysts who follow Israeli affairs, speaking to, believe that the failure to conclude the exchange deal is due to Netanyahu’s new conditions that have nothing to do with the deal, such as the continued Israeli control over the Rafah crossing, considering that the continuation of the war serves Netanyahu’s personal interests and ensures his support. From the far-right ministers, in light of the escalation of protests and demonstrations in Israel against his government.

A strategic defeat for Israel

The writer and political analyst, Dr. Ahmed Rafiq Awad said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is avoiding entering into negotiations to conclude a deal with the Hamas movement, as this is considered a strategic defeat for Israel and a break in its image, its deterrent power, and its regional role.

Awad pointed out that stopping the war and negotiating would overturn Netanyahu's lies about "absolute victory" and eliminating the Hamas movement, and would lead to the collapse of Israel's image in the region.

Awad explained that negotiating with Hamas means Netanyahu accepting the presence of Hamas in the future, which strengthens the “Syrian-Iranian-Lebanese-Yemeni axis, and some Iraqi factions,” and weakens Israel’s regional role, especially since Israel has received Western protection.

Violent uprisings inside Israel

He pointed out that the ceasefire would lead to the eruption of the political situation in Israel, and there would be elections and a trial for Netanyahu, which would end his political, moral and security career, and therefore he refuses to stop the war.

Awad pointed out that Netanyahu's continuation of the war is an attempt to present himself as a hero, but in reality he is imposing carnage on the world, and faces international ostracism.

He said: "The regimes that commit massacres are being held accountable, and prolonging the war will not be in Israel's favor, as it is not possible to defeat a people who continue to resist and want their rights, in light of Israel's weakness being evident after October 7."

Awad stressed that Netanyahu's continuation of the war will increase internal pressure on him, and may lead to the disintegration of his government and the escalation of violence within Israeli society, which may cause an internal war, especially since there is a basis for violence in Israel.

Netanyahu defends his personal fortresses

For his part, the writer and specialist in Israeli affairs, Antoine Shalhat, said: There is broad agreement among Israeli analysts that the behavior of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stems from his narrow personal and political interests, which led to the faltering of the exchange deal that may lead to stopping the ongoing war on the Gaza Strip. Due to Netanyahu's new conditions that have nothing to do with the deal, such as Israel's continued control over the Rafah crossing and the Philadelphia axis.

Shalhat pointed out that the prevailing belief in Israel is that reaching a prisoner exchange deal is “the greatest achievement that Israel can achieve in this war,” because of its role in recovering the kidnapped people and the ceasefire on the northern border with Lebanon.

According to Shalhat, many consider that the slogan of “absolute victory” raised by Netanyahu is empty of any content, and aims to serve his interests by prolonging the war, which guarantees his support from Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, who seek to occupy the Gaza Strip.

Avoid making crucial decisions

Shalhat pointed out that there are accusations that Netanyahu is evading making crucial decisions within the Israeli government, despite their importance, such as: recovering the kidnapped, setting post-war political goals, confronting Hezbollah, and renewing the conscription law for young Haredi Jews.

He continued: It is also believed that Netanyahu is delaying reaching an exchange deal until his upcoming visit to the United States, where he will deliver a speech before the US Congress and meet with President Joe Biden.

Shalhat pointed out that Netanyahu launched a campaign against the current US administration, blaming it for Israel’s failure to achieve absolute victory in its war against Gaza, in light of Israel’s open bet on Donald Trump’s return to the White House to achieve a “golden age” in US-Israeli relations.

Shalhat stressed that Netanyahu's behavior in obstructing reaching an exchange deal and stopping the war began to affect Israeli society, and led to ongoing demonstrations for several months demanding the release of the kidnapped, the overthrow of the Netanyahu government, and the call for early elections, due to the growing conviction that the Netanyahu government is not serious about ending the war and releasing the kidnapped. .

Shalhat concluded by saying: "As long as Netanyahu's government coalition remains cohesive without the threat of defections or withdrawals, these demonstrations will not affect the course of developments, and Netanyahu will remain committed to his current policy."

Netanyahu will only accept a deal that is lucrative for him

In turn, Nihad Abu Ghosh, a writer and political analyst specializing in Israeli affairs, said that Netanyahu will accept any deal that is rewarding to him, as he seeks to reduce the conditions for the Palestinians to a minimum.

Abu Ghosh believes that Netanyahu is seeking to buy time by prolonging the war, to avoid going to early elections, and to wait for the results of the American elections, hoping for the emergence of a new phase.

Abu Ghosh explained that Netanyahu fears his partners in the government, despite their agreement, as he relies on the support of the extreme right-wing parties that contributed to his rise to power.

He added: “Netanyahu’s evasion of concluding the deal comes at a time when Israel is under international and economic pressure, in addition to the dispute between the army and politicians.

Abu Ghosh pointed out that Netanyahu's continuation of his position on concluding the deal and the continuation of the war is reinforced by the presence of differences within the opposition, as some of its parties are adopting more stringent positions towards the war, and Netanyahu considers himself safe from this opposition, which has not turned into effective pressure cards against him.

Disagreement between the army and the government

Regarding the dispute between the army and the government, Abu Ghosh believes that the army adheres to the government’s decisions, but if these decisions are unrealistic, dissenting voices will emerge within the army.

He ruled out the occurrence of an internal war in Israel due to these disputes, despite the possibility of signs of violence emerging, because the parties realize that such an escalation may lead to the collapse of Israel.

Achieving absolute victory

As for the writer and specialist in Israeli affairs, Alif Sabbagh, he saw that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeks on the “day after the war” to achieve an absolute victory that guarantees Israel the elimination of any Palestinian resistance and the Palestinians’ acceptance of an Israeli security system.

Sabbagh pointed out that Netanyahu relies on the doctrine of force to resolve the conflict, which is a doctrine adopted by fascist leaders, and is based on the use of excessive force to achieve goals, while Netanyahu believes that military pressure and targeting of the Palestinian people will force Hamas to make concessions.

Sabbagh explained that Netanyahu seeks to end the war by achieving all its declared goals to ensure a historic victory over the Palestinian people that was not achieved by his predecessors, that is, not a victory by creating a state of deterrence for years to come, but rather by a final decision, with international and regional arrangements that do not later allow the Palestinians to speak as a people, and this This means that his victory in Gaza will necessarily be followed by a victory in the West Bank, according to which he will abolish every Palestinian authority and every feature of the Palestinian entity, including the national flag.

Victory over the Palestinians and his internal opponents

Sabbagh continued: “Netanyahu’s victory over the Palestinian people means victory over his opponents inside Israel, and he will not hesitate to continue the coup against the judiciary, and when Netanyahu achieves his victory over the Palestinian people and the Israeli opposition, there will be no one to try him on the charges against him in the Israeli courts.” He enjoys general American and Western support, and then he will not be tried in international courts.

Sabbagh pointed out that Netanyahu’s failure to achieve his goals, and if the war ended according to another scenario, would lead to the collapse of his government, his allies accusing him of weakness, and his opponents accusing him of failing to protect Israel’s security, which would expose him to trial on corruption charges, stressing that Netanyahu would not accept that. He may resort to civil war to avoid this fate.

3 pillars in Netanyahu’s war on the Palestinians

According to Sabbagh, Netanyahu relies on three pillars in his war: the Israeli army, and the willingness of many officers and soldiers, especially those who belong to religious Zionism, to commit all brutal crimes, without any regard to international law.

As for the second pillar, it is the absolute American support, and the West in general, for Israel, through exceptional material support, unprecedented military support, and political and legal protection in state forums, Sabbagh said.

The third pillar, according to Sabbagh, is the official and popular Arab inability to support the Palestinian people even though they are being subjected to genocide.

Sabbagh explained, “Losing any of these pillars, especially Arab support, will force Netanyahu to accept compromise solutions, but in reality we are not only witnessing Arab inability, but rather we are witnessing Arab cooperation with Netanyahu, under the pretext of resisting Hamas or under the pretext that each country has its own interests, or The Arabs are unable to confront the West, and America in particular.


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Netanyahu fights and evades by committing massacres to avoid concluding a deal that stops his war on Gaza