Mon 17 Jun 2024 2:54 pm - Jerusalem Time

Israel announces the injury of 16 soldiers and burns the departure hall at the Rafah crossing

The Israeli occupation army announced that 16 soldiers were injured during the past 24 hours, while it burned the departures hall at the Rafah crossing and continued its bombing of various areas of the Gaza Strip, on the second day of Eid al-Adha.

In a statement by the occupation army, the number of injured officers and soldiers has reached 3,848 since the outbreak of the war, of whom 1,942 were injured during the ground operation.

According to the statement, 662 officers and soldiers were killed, and 582 were seriously injured since the outbreak of war on October 7th.

The army said that 241 soldiers are still receiving treatment after being injured in the Gaza battles, 28 of whom are seriously injured, according to the statement.

The departure hall was burned

On the other hand, the Israeli army burned the departures hall and a number of facilities on the Palestinian side of the Rafah land crossing in the southern Gaza Strip, about 40 days after taking control of it on May 7th.

A photo circulated by Palestinian accounts on social media showed the departure hall at the crossing completely burned.


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Israel announces the injury of 16 soldiers and burns the departure hall at the Rafah crossing