Mon 17 Jun 2024 8:38 am - Jerusalem Time

Updated:: Occupation forces arrest 4 Palestinian citizens in Ramallah and Qalqilya

At dawn on Monday, the Israeli occupation forces arrested 4 citizens in Qalqilya and Ramallah.

In Qalqilya, the occupation forces stormed the house of citizen Ziad Daoud in the Jaidi neighborhood of the city and arrested Donia Daoud, the mother of the young man Tariq Daoud, to pressure her son to surrender himself.

The occupation forces raided the Al-Naqar neighborhood, a commercial store near Abu Ali Iyad Square, and a residential building near Fattouh Sweets in the center of Qalqilya, and set up ambushes and checkpoints in its vicinity.

In Ramallah, the occupation forces arrested: Amr Saleh Abd Hamed (20 years old) and Moataz Ali Hajar, after raiding their homes in the town of Silwad, and arrested the young man Muhammad Abdel Aziz Thabet Hamayel (20 years old) from the village of Kafr Malek, east of Ramallah, after... Raiding and searching his family’s home.


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Updated:: Occupation forces arrest 4 Palestinian citizens in Ramallah and Qalqilya