Sun 09 Jun 2024 10:40 am - Jerusalem Time

Dancing on the blood of martyrs!!

The horrific, premeditated massacre committed by Israel in the Nuseirat camp, which led to the death of more than 200 Palestinian citizens, most of them children, and the wounding of hundreds, after bombing the central market and targeting innocent people, is an Israeli persistence and insistence on killing civilians and continuing crimes and wars of genocide, in a systematic Israeli attempt to achieve An imaginary victory and the pursuit of theatrical boasting after the liberation of four hostages who were in civilian buildings among the population..

Israel danced on the blood of the martyrs, and if it believed that it had achieved the image of victory as Netanyahu claims, it only extracted four of the hostages, and it received the message of the Palestinian resistance that committing this complex massacre would pose a great danger to the Israeli detainees, and would have a negative impact on their conditions and lives, knowing that they are more Who was harmed by the criminal process.

The occupation army directed an Israeli and an American to commit this massacre, in a desperate attempt to portray what was being circulated under pressure and negotiations under fire, in order to deepen the polarization within the Israeli street, which would wake up from the horror of artificial joy later, due to a major mistake committed by the occupation government, which forgot that it had about 120 Detained, they are still in the grip of the resistance, and this is what was indicated by the families of the detainees, who are calling for the approach of (a deal that brings everyone back).

After eight full months of war in which the Israeli army failed to achieve any of the declared goals, the process of extracting the hostages will not change the strategic reality of the war, in which Israel is eager to continue its massacres and aggression against civilians without mercy, under the pretext of trying to return the detainees and liberate them, to carry out under this cover. The false statement of more killings in the Gaza Strip, while ignoring the horror of the massacre and the indifference to it on the part of the Americans and the Israelis, and this is what they did before noon yesterday.

Israel created fake propaganda for what it describes as an achievement, but the truth that Netanyahu must know as he brags about the massacre committed by his army, which he claimed to be the most moral army in the world, is in fact the most terrorist army in the world and has no values or morals. It kills innocent people, and the pressure will remain. Against Israel, which only knows the language of killing, slaughter and destruction.


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Dancing on the blood of martyrs!!


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