Sat 08 Jun 2024 10:50 am - Jerusalem Time

Israel is blacklisted

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Gutrich, informed the Israeli army attaché in the United States, Heidi Zilberman, of the decision to include Israel on the blacklist (list of shame) of countries and organizations that harm children.
Thus, Israel's attempts failed, as it once again sought to mislead the world. Although the report was not published, Israel understood that the decision had been taken and would be discussed on the twenty-sixth of this June.
The new report, which is published once a year, covers all events in a full year, and thus Israel joins countries and organizations that were on this list last year, namely Afghanistan, Colombia, Congo, Iraq, Mali, Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan, ISIS, Al-Shabaab, and Boko Haram, in addition to the Russian armed forces.
The consequences of being blacklisted lead to reputational damage, because the UN report enjoys great international respect and is cited in all UN bodies, including the General Assembly, the Security Council and the Court of Justice in The Hague.
Behind this decision, tailwinds will blow that contribute to the boycott initiatives of the occupying entity, delegitimize and harm Israel’s commercial interests, and may reach the point of banning weapons and preventing their supply to Israel.
This decision did not come in retaliation against Israel, which claims democracy and freedom and that its army is the best in the world, but rather in accordance with what emerged from the field of blatant attacks against children in Gaza, where more than 14 thousand children were martyred as a result of Israeli missiles, the war of starvation and siege, and the spread of diseases, a number that exceeds the number of children. Deaths recorded over four years of conflicts in the world. How can it not be when Gaza records the injury or death of a child every 10 minutes?
After world leaders made a historic commitment to the children of the world in 1989 by adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and making it part of the international agreement, becoming the most ratified agreement in history, by helping to change the lives of children, Israel came to eliminate the lives of the children of Gaza. And their wishes and dreams, so it killed them in their families’ homes, shelter centers, hospitals, and places of worship, isolated them from psychological and social care, and exposed many of them to the risk of death due to severe injuries, severe burns, and the continued escalation that led to the siege and the prevention of food and medicine, which caused the death of dozens of children as a result of drought and hunger. And diseases, thus disregarding all conventions related to protecting children and sparing them the danger of conflicts and strife.
The United Nations says that more than 500,000 children in Gaza have been identified in need of mental health and psychosocial support, and that children are exposed to extremely traumatic events and trauma, and to widespread destruction and displacement.
We thank the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), which is working hard to protect the children of Gaza by providing water, food, and sanitation equipment, and ensuring education and social protection, but its efforts collide with obstacles placed by the Israeli army, which killed all aspects of the lives of the children of Gaza.
Is it reasonable that the United Nations is contributing to the saboteurs and supporting them, as Israel claims, just because it exposes the truth to the world? Is it reasonable for the leader of the National Camp, Benny Gantz, to appear and say that Israel continues to fight its just war and will act in accordance with the highest moral standards and international law?
All of Israel's justifications regarding standards, morals and law are unacceptable. The facts prove that it committed genocide crimes, a third of its victims were innocent children. It must bear responsibility for its actions and aggressive actions against innocent people, and stop its attempts and maneuvers to deceive the world, which is fully aware of the truth, backgrounds and goals of its aggression. The killer of the Palestinian people


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Israel is blacklisted


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