Based on the title, we will not talk about the “historical legacy” of insults and calls for murder and enslavement contained in the pages of the Torah, distorting the content and text, and directed against everyone who is not Jewish, that is, those who were called “goyim” (“the Gentiles” or “the others”), and we will suffice. In the new Zionist dictionary (but not separated from the spirit of their aforementioned religious dictionary).
The first thing that comes across to the historian/researcher is the designation of the indigenous people of Palestine with the phrase “non-Jewish communities residing in Palestine,” which was mentioned in the text of what was called the “Balfour Declaration,” which - of course - was formulated by the Zionist movement and agreed with Lord Arthur James Balfour. ) on his announcement, on November 2, 1917), in the form of a “promise” known by his name during his assumption of the position of British Foreign Secretary (1916-1919) after he had assumed the prime ministership of the “United Kingdom” in a previous period. In any case, this description, full of political meanings and connotations that ignore the existence of Palestinians/Arabs of Palestine, was not the “ugliest” of insults!!!
As long as the discussion is political and specific to the “dictionary of contemporary Zionist political insults,” it is necessary to point out the public insults contained in the programs of Israeli political parties that belong to the extreme Zionist right and are influential in the current Israeli government. In this context, and very briefly, the political literature of these parties describes Arabs in general (including Palestinians) as “a cancer in the Israeli demographic body...
Cockroaches... leeches... and they multiply like fleas, so let us throw them into the sea... eradicate them, throw them outside, and even - whenever necessary - exterminate them.” Accordingly, what must be presented to the Palestinian Arabs are the same three options that “Joshua ibn Nun” presented to the ancient Canaanites: departure from the country, absolute submission to Jewish rule, or destruction by fighting. And many other disgusting Israeli ideas/words/policies.
However, what is even more disgusting was embodied, and even “manifested”, in the actual practices on the ground that came - as they say - in response to the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation on the seventh of last October. These actual practices did not come from nowhere! Rather, it came as an authentic expression of the political positions and statements made by the leaders and symbols of the Israeli far right, along with the leaders and symbols of the ruling Likud Party, which considers itself the “Zionist Center Party” (what a horrific lie!!!) and even with them are the leaders and symbols of those who classify themselves as part of The “Israeli opposition” parties, or some symbols and leaders who consider themselves the “center left” or even the “left” of the Israeli political pendulum!!!
Because these racist and fascist positions and statements are still fresh and have not been “corrupted” by the passage of time, we ignore them, recording only their actual and tangible results on the ground: the destruction of people, trees, and stones along the “largest open prison in the world” (Gaza Strip), exceeding war crimes (according to definitions). International and humanitarian law, and the most prestigious international organizations and bodies internationally) led to genocide through acts of air, ground and sea bombardment that (repeatedly) exceeded what Hiroshima and Nagasaki witnessed, systematic starvation and the pursuit of a “scorched earth” policy that almost reached the point of making “the Strip” an unfit area. for life. This situation is the most horrific translation of the dictionary of contemporary Zionist political ideas and insults.
What is even more disgusting was embodied, and even “manifested,” in the actual practices on the ground that came - as they say - in response to the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation on the seventh of last October. These actual practices did not come from nowhere! Rather, it was an authentic expression of the political positions and statements made by leaders and symbols of the Israeli far right.
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The most horrific in the dictionary of contemporary Zionist ideas, insults, and political practices