Fri 07 Jun 2024 9:37 am - Jerusalem Time

What do religious extremists in Israel want?

In the context of existential politics and fear of the neighborhood, David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, said, “The essence of our security problem is our very existence, and this is the terrible meaning of our security problem.” Ben-Gurion’s words mean that there is an organic and inseparable connection between security and existence, as its security problem is considered an existential problem of the first degree, meaning that Israel’s existence or non-existence is linked to security. The extremist minister in Netanyahu's government, Yisliel Smotrich, says that the establishment of a Palestinian state next to Israel will pose an existential threat to the State of Israel. He spoke publicly about an existential threat, as he put it, but he did not speak about his religious belief, which considers the West Bank to be an integral part of the Torah. Although he is new to the political arena, he addresses the world from another different perspective, which is security, terrorism, and what happened to Israel on the seventh of last October.

Since its inception, the Zionist movement has sought to establish a national homeland for the Jews, provided that it enjoys legitimacy from its establishment, that is, with the approval of the territory of the nascent state and the group of great powers. Hence, the founder and first leader of the movement, Theodor Herzl, decided to obtain the approval of the Ottoman Empire to establish a national homeland for the Jews in Palestine. However, the great rejection of its Sultan Abdul Hamid II pushed him to think in other directions, such as Uganda and sometimes Al-Arish in Egypt, apart from the experiment. Settlement in Argentina. According to the Jewish faith, the entirety of Hebrew history was in the West Bank, according to their claim. The state of “ancient Israel” was established, as well as the states of “Judea” and “Israel” after their division in the West Bank. Judaism attributes to itself the legacy of the Prophet David and the Prophet Solomon, peace be upon them. The Kingdom of “Israel” was established in the northern West Bank, and its capital at that time was Nablus “Shechem” and called Samaria (Shomron), while the Kingdom of “Judah” was established in the south, with its capital being Jerusalem, called “Somron.” The name “Judea”, so that the name of the West Bank, according to the Jewish faith, becomes “Judea and Samaria”, the name that “Israel” gives to the West Bank until today, refusing to recognize the Palestinian name.

Therefore, it is clear that the wave of settlement that has swept and continues to accelerate in areas of the West Bank has carried within it a noticeable change in the demographic composition of settlers in all areas of the West Bank and Jerusalem, and does not reflect the nature of the demographic composition of the entire population. What the Israeli government is doing in occupied Arab Palestine, in terms of attempts to expand and settle, annex more Palestinian lands, and build housing and settlements, cannot be called a new colonial phenomenon in the thought of this occupier, but rather it is a thought rooted in the roots of the history of the occupying state since its establishment.

According to this trend, the manifestation of hatred for the Palestinians and the call to get rid of them was circulated on the lips of Zionist leaders, and became more circulated by Jewish extremists, after the burning and killing of the child Muhammad Abu Khudair in Jerusalem in 2014, the burning of the Dawabsha family, the martyrdom of the father and mother and their infant child, and the mutilation of their other son in The village of Duma, located in the northern West Bank, in 2015.

It suffices to prove this that the most fundamental issue in the separation wall policy, as the construction of the apartheid wall in Jerusalem was not aimed at preventing what Israel called “terrorist and sabotage operations,” but rather in order to complete the absolute separation and isolation of Jerusalem from its geographical reality and its Arab-Palestinian dimension, and to cram it into In a Jewish environment, the idea of the wall was not a new idea, but rather it was a very old idea even before there was a significant Jewish presence in Palestine. Demographically, the early Zionists deliberately ignored the presence of the Palestinian people on their populous land, and painted a false scene of Palestine as an empty desert, waiting for Jewish colonizers. In Herzl’s speeches before the six Zionist conferences, as well as in his book entitled “The Jewish State,” there was no mention of the indigenous Arab population, except once. This established the lie that the English Zionist writer, Israel Zangwill, borrowed in 1882 from the movement of “Christian Zionism” and Lord Shaftesbury, and then mentioned it in an article published in the magazine “New Liberal Review” in 1901, to the effect that “Palestine is a land without a people who must Given to a people without land.

In addition to the above, the myth of the occupation of Palestine came, and the pure colonial dimension was linked with the biblical dimension, and the major revolution in the doctrine of the “Savior.” This is why we find different spectrums of extremists who saw entering and occupying Palestine as not linked to the return of Christ, but rather that this must be preceded by the occupation of Palestine as a prelude. For the appearance of the Messiah the Savior, and this is what the members of “Neturei Karta” and others oppose. In summary, the Israeli extremists want Palestine from the sea to the river, and anything else is unacceptable if this leads to killing and assassination among the Jews, as happened to former Israeli President Yitzhak Rabin.

The early Zionists deliberately ignored the existence of the Palestinian people on their populous land, and painted a false scene of Palestine as an empty desert, waiting for Jewish colonizers.


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What do religious extremists in Israel want?


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