Thu 06 Jun 2024 9:31 am - Jerusalem Time

Jerusalem is ours

Yesterday, Israel invaded the city of Jerusalem by directing the entity’s settlers, guarded and protected by the Israeli police, to dance, orgy, provoke, wave Israeli flags, and attack citizens, shop owners in the Old City, journalist crews, and photographers, amid an unprecedented campaign of raids to desecrate the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, led by extremist ministers and members of the Knesset. extremism, and participated in the annual provocative flags march in a dangerous violation of all red lines.

Israel and its Zionist clique are trying to monopolize the city of Jerusalem, ignoring its history as one of the oldest cities in the world, and insisting on Judaizing the historical and heritage monuments of the land of heavenly messages and the cradle of the prophets and Islamic civilizations, and seeking to consider it its unified capital, but the Palestinian Arab citizens of Jerusalem, despite all the attacks, attacks, restrictions and attempts at displacement, They are determined to cling to their city, because it is their historical destination, their qibla, and it has their mosque and church, and it is where they were born and from its graves to heaven will be their resurrection.

Jerusalem, the first of the two qiblahs and the third of the Two Holy Mosques, was endowed by God Almighty with its purely Islamic characteristic, and the Jews have no right to it in any way. It is a city of peace that Israel has turned into a point of conflict and dispute since its occupation, and it still continues to Judaize it, deepen its settlements, and change its features, but history will remain present and will not change no matter what. Israel tried hard to falsify or distort it.

As the great poet Nizar Qabbani says

(Oh Jerusalem.. oh my city.. oh Jerusalem.. oh my love

Tomorrow.. tomorrow.. lemons will bloom, green ears and olives will rejoice, and eyes will laugh..

And the migratory doves return...to the pure roofs...and the children return to playing...and fathers and children meet on your bright springs...

Oh my country...oh the land of peace and olives...)

Yes, the people of Jerusalem will return to the parts of the city that await them with longing and nostalgia, and its doors will open to embrace children, students, teachers, and workers, who are patient and stationed, and inevitably the occupation will end and our city and our capital will enjoy freedom and independence..

And the most important of those who danced with the flags are strangers to you, so get out of Jerusalem, the city of peace, and leave it to its owners, for we are its people, Jerusalem is ours, and the land is ours, and no matter how much the forces of oppression and Satan struggle and conspire against it, they will not defeat us.


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Jerusalem is ours


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