Mon 27 May 2024 6:52 pm - Jerusalem Time

Calling for a student strike within the 48 territories to denounce the Israeli massacres in the Gaza Strip

Today, Monday, the Joint Student Body and the active student movements in the various universities within the 1948 territories called for “a massive student strike tomorrow, Tuesday, for one hour between 12 and 1 p.m., in rejection of the ongoing massacres against our people in Gaza, and in light of the continuation of the brutal war that is claiming thousands.” "The lives of children, women, men, the elderly and civilians in Gaza."

The authority said in a statement, “This move comes in light of the continuing massacres committed and the stubbornness of the political leadership in Israel in continuing the hideous war, and based on the moral and humanitarian motivation of the student movements to raise the voice of students against these ongoing daily massacres in full view of the entire world.”

It added: "This strike is an important peaceful struggle step, accompanied by silent student sit-ins that will be announced individually by the local student movements in each university. It is expected that all students in various universities and colleges will adhere to this strike, because of the stance it carries against the war and the crimes committed against our people."


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Calling for a student strike within the 48 territories to denounce the Israeli massacres in the Gaza Strip