Fri 24 May 2024 11:16 am - Jerusalem Time

University of California students stage a sit-in again against the war on the Gaza Strip

Students at the American University of California returned to a sit-in on the university campus, today, Friday, in protest against the devastating Israeli war on the Gaza Strip for the 231st day.

The students gathered in one of the university campus buildings and set up a new camp, chanting slogans stating, "It is wrong to use batons and rubber bullets against them in previous demonstrations."

Some university academics and student union members also expressed their support for the students, raising a banner bearing the phrase: “We lecturers and staff at UC stand with our students.”

On April 18, students and academics who rejected the aggression on Gaza began a sit-in on the campus of Columbia University in New York, demanding that its administration stop its academic cooperation with Israeli universities and withdraw its investments in companies that support the occupation.

With the intervention of the police and the arrest of dozens of protesters, the state of anger expanded to extend to universities in countries such as France, Britain, Germany, Canada and India, all of which witnessed demonstrations and demands to stop the war on Gaza and boycott the companies that supply weapons to Israel.


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University of California students stage a sit-in again against the war on the Gaza Strip