Thu 23 May 2024 11:02 am - Jerusalem Time

Israeli forces arrest 18 Palestinian citizens in the West Bank

Since yesterday evening, until Thursday morning, the Israeli occupation forces arrested at least 18 citizens from the West Bank, including former prisoners.

The Prisoners' and Ex-Prisoners' Affairs Authority and the Prisoners' Club explained in a statement that the arrest operations were concentrated in the Bethlehem governorate, while the rest of the arrests were distributed among the governorates of Ramallah, Nablus, Hebron, and Jericho, accompanied by widespread raids and abuse, in addition to sabotage and destruction of citizens' homes.

Thus, the total number of arrests after October 7 rose to more than 8,840, and this total includes those who were arrested from homes, through military checkpoints, those who were forced to surrender themselves under pressure, and those who were held hostage.

In addition, Jenin Governorate and its camp were subjected to a comprehensive aggression that lasted for two days, which included the arrest of dozens of citizens, including women, children, and the wounded, while we have not been able to confirm the full numbers of detainees until this moment.

It is noteworthy that the data related to arrest cases includes those who were kept in detention by the occupation, or those who were later released.


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Israeli forces arrest 18 Palestinian citizens in the West Bank