Wed 22 May 2024 5:04 pm - Jerusalem Time

What does it mean for several countries to recognize Palestine?

The leaderships of 3 countries, Ireland, Spain, and Norway, announced their recognition of the State of Palestine.

Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris confirmed today, Wednesday, that his country recognizes the State of Palestine, in a joint declaration with Oslo and Madrid, adding that Ireland, Norway and Spain announce their recognition of the State of Palestine.

He added, "It is a historic and important day for Ireland and Palestine, and we are confident that more countries will join us in this step."

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced that he intends to announce on May 28 the recognition of an independent Palestinian state, while the Norwegian Prime Minister announced that his country will officially recognize Palestine as a state, adding that his country will recognize the Palestinian state as of May 28.

But what does this recognition of the State of Palestine mean?

Dr. Muhammad Mahmoud Mahran, professor of international law and member of the American and European Associations of International Law, says that the decision of Norway and Ireland to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state constitutes strong support for Palestine’s legal status on the international scene and enhances its chances of obtaining full membership in the United Nations, stressing that recognition is based on Well-established rules in international law, most notably the right of peoples to self-determination enshrined in the United Nations Charter and the International Covenants on Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966.

Mahran added that this recognition is also in line with many United Nations resolutions that affirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including General Assembly Resolution 181 of 1947 calling for the establishment of two states on the land of historic Palestine, and Security Council Resolution 242 of 1967 which called for Israel’s withdrawal. From the lands it occupied in the June War of the same year.

He pointed out that the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, the Oslo Agreement signed between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel in 1993, implicitly recognized the right of the Palestinians to establish their independent state, which was later confirmed by the road map for peace adopted by the International Quartet in 2003, which stipulated the establishment of a state. A viable Palestinian state as the ultimate goal of negotiations.

A strong incentive for other countries

The international expert expected that Norway and Ireland's recognition of Palestine would constitute a strong incentive for other European countries to take similar steps, especially in light of the growing momentum within parliaments and civil societies in these countries to support the rights of the Palestinian people and end the Israeli occupation, which was clearly evident in the recent recommendations of the Spanish and British parliaments in this regard. .

He pointed out that the possible wave of European recognition of Palestine may lead to a qualitative shift in the international view of the Palestinian issue, so that it is no longer just a political or humanitarian conflict, but rather an issue of decolonization par excellence in accordance with international law, which requires full implementation of the principle of the right to self-determination and statehood, and not merely Autonomy or transitional authority with limited powers.

Mahran pointed out that ending the Israeli occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital is an indispensable legal, moral and political requirement to achieve stability, prosperity and peaceful coexistence among the peoples of the region, explaining that the increasing recognition of the State of Palestine must be translated into practical steps on the ground that force Israel to adhere to legitimacy. International law and relevant rules of international law.

Embarrassing the international community

For his part, expert in international relations, Dr. Muhammad Al-Yamani, says that the step amounts to European recognition of the State of Palestine that will embarrass the international community, the American administration, and Israel, and push it to reach full international recognition of the State of Palestine, noting that this recognition is also a turning point that may also lead to an end to The war on the Gaza Strip.

The Egyptian expert continued that the recognition of Palestine by 3 countries also means that the Palestinian people have a voice, and it became clear that this voice will lead to a major international movement that supports the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people until the establishment of their independent state and the end of the occupation, while subjugating Israel and forcing it to recognize the rights of the Palestinians, stressing that This step must be followed by other steps that take away the rights of the Palestinian people and constitute enormous pressure to push for a two-state solution.


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What does it mean for several countries to recognize Palestine?