Wed 22 May 2024 2:18 pm - Jerusalem Time

Gallant orders the implementation of the law canceling the disengagement in the northern West Bank

The Minister of the Occupation Army, Yoav Galant, announced today, Wednesday, with the head of the Regional Council for the Northern West Bank Settlements, Yossi Dagan, that he had ordered the implementation of the language of the law to cancel the disengagement in the “Sanur,” “Ghneim,” and “Kadim” settlements established in the northern West Bank, in continuation of For the initial order to disengage from the “Homesh” settlement.

Gallant said, "Jewish control over Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) is what guarantees security for Israel, and implementing the separation law will lead to developing settlement and providing security for the residents of the region."

Gallant's decision opens the door for settlers to return to the three settlements mentioned in the statement and remain there, and that this is not in violation of Israeli law.

The disengagement plan, the “Disengagement Law,” sparked major disagreements within Israel, and its opponents accused Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister at the time, of reneging on promises he had made before his election as prime minister, and that he had responded to American pressure.

On March 21, the Israeli Knesset approved the “Canceling the Disengagement” Law from the Northern West Bank, canceling the provisions that prevent settlers from entering and remaining in the areas of the Northern West Bank that were evacuated in 2005, including the “Homesh” settlement located in On the road between Nablus and Jenin.


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Gallant orders the implementation of the law canceling the disengagement in the northern West Bank