Tue 14 May 2024 8:52 am - Jerusalem Time

For the 221st day...Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip leaves many deaths and wounded

A number of citizens were killed and wounded, in continuous Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip, for the 221st day.

In Nuseirat, 14 citizens, including children, were killed, and dozens were injured, after the occupation bombed a three-story house belonging to the Karaja family, south of the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip.

Tonight, the Israeli warplanes launched a raid on a house in Bakr land, west of Gaza City, and the Israeli artillery bombed the city of Beit Lahia, northwest of the Gaza Strip, and the Israeli artillery continued to violently bomb the Jabalia camp in the north.

According to medical sources in the Gaza Strip, the toll of the Israeli aggression on the Strip since the seventh of last October has risen to 35,091 martyrs and more than 78,827 injured, an infinite toll, as thousands of victims are still under the rubble and on the roads and ambulance crews cannot Civil Defense will reach them.

The sources pointed out that the Israeli forces committed 7 massacres against families in the Gaza Strip during the past 24 hours, of which 57 dead and 82 injuries reached hospitals.


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For the 221st day...Israeli raids on the Gaza Strip leaves many deaths and wounded